Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Product Development and Pricing Strategies Assignment - 1
Product Development and Pricing Strategies - Assignment Example Increasing competition in todayââ¬â¢s globalised economy has put the organization under the pressure of designing effective marketing strategy. Marketing is the process of developing and implementing the idea of pricing, promotion and distribution of products and services such that they create exchanges that generates satisfaction in the objective of the organization and individual (Ferrell and Hartline, 2010). Marketing strategy provides the best opinion to the organization regarding how it can use its resources and skills in the market place so that it can run the business profitably (McDonald, 2007). The marketing strategy is mainly concerned regarding the four Pââ¬â¢s and the objective of the organization. Flexibility in the marketing strategy creates a positive influence on the performance of the organization (Pride and Ferrell, 2010). In a competitive economy successful marketing is all about customer focus, positioning and attaining competitive success (Lancaster and Mas singham, 2010). Classic Airlines is the fifth largest airline in the world. It has a fleet of over 375 jets that flies over 240 cities. Classic Airlines has about more than 2300 flights flying daily. It has been operating in the airline industry for more than 25 years. It has employee strength of more than 32,000. In the year 2004 the company has recorded earnings of $10 million and sales figure reached $8.7 billion. But being in a profitable business, Classic Airline has started facing some problem that has reduced its profit by significant numbers.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Joseph Mallord William Turner Important English Painter English Literature Essay
Joseph Mallord William Turner Important English Painter English Literature Essay Considered by numerous historians of the art like the most important English painter for all time, it demonstrated to be carrying of an unusual talent from very early age and in 1789, just by 14 years, its father, barber of profession, it registered it in the school of art of the Royal Academy of which it would happen to be effective member as of 1802. Its life was signed by a capacity of artistic creation without rest and a total dedication to the drawing and the painting, in addition to the numerous trips that made until 1845, shortly before its death, and that was shaped of concrete way in the set of their works. Therefore, in 1795 it consecrated one of his first trips to the preparation of sketches in Wales of the south and the island of Wight. Soon, in 1802, during La Paz of Amiens, one went for the first time to the foreigner crossing France until Swiss the Alps and, to its return, one stopped in Paris to contemplate works of Claude Lorrain, Tiziano and Poussin in the Louvre. Later it crossed Belgium, Holland and the Valley of the Rin and, in 1819, stepped on for the first time Italian earth to which it would return in three opportunities. These reiterated visits had singulars repercussions in their art to which reference will be made more ahead. Although, since it has been said previously, Turner prodigiously was equipped, had to fight hard to find its way. First from its watercolors of which it is had registry dates from 1787, when only it was twelve years old; in 1794 he was already a teacher of the style and the traditional technique of the landscape treated in drawing and watercolor, the ilustrativo-topographic planning. Nevertheless, as of this moment, a marked interest begins to demonstrate itself on the luminous phenomenon and the first indications of a romantic interpretation of the nature. Against this background, the work acquires great relevance that Tuner carried out, in collaboration with the watercolorist Thomas Gritin, in the residence of the Dr. Thomas Munro, English painting collector, that adjudged to both artists the preparation of some copies and the culmination to them of sketches and incomplete works of one of the parents of the English paisajismo: J. R. Cozens, that was, in addition, a recognized water colorist. Therefore, from a deep reflection on the work of Cozens and the collaboration with Gritin, Turner was able to free itself of certain convencionalismos seeing itself favored, in this way, the manifestation of a more personal style in the one than their conditions of colorista were harnessed. Through present work, it will be tried to put light on some coordinates that, is expected, allow to draw up the peculiar aspects of the art worked by the posrrevolucionario romanticism. Therefore, in the first part of this monograph they will be exposed, sucintamente, some essential characteristics of this movement in which the emergency of the new sensitivity that found echo, in the artistic creation, the appeal to an unpublished freedom under the primate of the individuality and the introspection acquires a central place. Finally, a route through the recognized work of paisajista English Joseph Mallord will set out William Turner, who managed to shape like few the tragic condition of escindido romantic I, a man to whom the access to the mysteries of the nature has been forbidden him and, therefore, of its own existence. Irrationality and I disillusion the irrational force deployment, that had been folded during the century of the lights, and that characterized to the romantic movement, an inheritance of the French Revolution can be considered. Although many contemporaries conceived in the revolution a potential arrival to the Age of the Reason, today we know of the vertiginous failure who suffered their ideals and programs. Nevertheless, and as it express H. G. Schenk: [] The explosion of the subconscious irrational impulses that characterized so many aspects of the revolution was the signal of battle of the romantic ones against the reason. Therefore, the revolution helped to send the romantic movement. Against this background, it turns out advisable to clarify that the love that the romanticism declares by the irrational aspects is not concomitante with the rejection to the reason but with the necessity of its extension taking care of questions marginalized by the hegemonic thought of century XVIII: sensitivity, the intuition, the imagination, the dreams, the passion. Therefore, the illustrated, happened project in scientific ideology of rationalization technical of the world, he was questioned by the desatencià ³n which one was put under an essential part of the human nature. The romanticism and, consequently, the art that east movement practiced are born like answer to this conjuncture: the triumph of the dehumanized scientific conception of the world and its intention of dominion of the man and the nature to which the frustration as opposed to the defeat of the revolutionary ideals must be added, germ of the restoration of a new tragic time. The disappointed romantic man notices that a time lives that in the open leaves Gods them have left it, that have been expelled from the harmony with the nature. It feels that his I one is escindido in two: mind and soul, and will long for a mythical reconciliation, that is to say, the return to a Golden age, identified with the old Greece, in which the myth was language of the creation of the world and source of answer to the essential questions of the man which they cannot be solved from the scientific rationality. In frank rejection to division of fields of knowledge, romantic contemplates to Greece archaic, in that truth, beauty and nature formed an all only one to which the man acceded, like the moment where it materializes yearned for ideal of union of poetry and science. As it will be exposed more ahead, great part of the anguish and desolation of the romantic man is based in the conscience of which such reconciliation is, in truth, impossible. The revolution of the art Numerous historians maintain that the artistic creations of the revolutionary period do not present/display innovations at stylistic level but that, on the contrary, remain within the canons of the old clasicismo the Rococo. Nevertheless, in a specific sense, it is possible to speak of a revolutionary art since although these pictorial works present/display a continuity with the own style of the clasicismo, during this historical stage it dominates the classic forms a new content and a new sense to him. Therefore, as it express Arnold Hauser, with the revolution the art becomes a confession of political faith that finds its motor in the persecution of the social transformation. The importance of the revolutionary art is based not as much in the art that practiced but for that laid the the foundations: the romantic movement. The stylistic innovations were supeditadas to the blossoming of a new society, a new conception of the world and the man that were materialized, soon, in the posrrevolucionario art. The sign of the romanticism As it is known, the romantic term is extremely multipurpose. The use of this word (derived from romance) is registered, primigeniamente, in the England of century XVII. In just a short time, the term romantic peyorativamente began to be used by the rationalism. Was used to describe it that remote thing of the reality or that had fantastic characteristics, strange, improbable, false it. At the same time the word was used romantic to allude to natural landscapes that presented/displayed unreal aspect, fantastic, huge. These meaning stayed throughout the half following century and, little by little, they were taking a more positive shade. Finally, she was Rousseau who carried out a reinterpretacià ³n of the term that, this way, happened to indicate the qualities of an object to indicate the feelings of the subject. This rousseauniana interpretation of the romantic term was inserted quickly in Germany where it was incorporated like the aesthetic category that corresponded with the new sensitivity that was being developed in Europe.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Year of the Woman Essay -- mh
The Year of the Woman Reporters portray female and male candidates differently when covering campaigns for political office. In order to counteract the biased coverage in the papers the women of the 1992 Senate race used 30-second advertising spots to assert their key issue stances and strengths. Though this was not the sole purpose of their ads, they were very much geared toward compensating for the lack of fair coverage they were receiving in the news. Ultimately they persevered. Through verbal and nonverbal content, as defined by Lynda Lee Kaid, women designed their ads to portray a high level of competence. 1992 is widely known as 'The Year of the Woman,' when 5 women won Senate seats and 24 new women were elected to the House. "All male Senate races received more press coverage than races which included female candidates,' but despite male biased journalistic media coverage, 'women of the 1992 election succeeded with strong campaign spots," that helped them redefine themselves to the public and win c onstituent votes. Though women and men receive an equal amount of coverage by newspapers, "the content of the coverage that women receive as opposed to men, during an election is extremely different and male biased." Newspaper readers are more likely to read about a female candidate's personal life, appearance, or personality while reading about a male's stance on governmental issues. This gives the man more credibility as a candidate. Compared to coverage of male candidates, coverage of a female candidate is, "more personal, less issue based, and less likely to include evidence or reasoning to support quoted remarks". Ultimately women are portrayed as less informed on issues and instead as icons rather than educated citize... women in this study won representation of their state. Each woman focused her ad on something different. It is clear that Braun's ad is heavily laden with endorsements, legislative achievements and highlights of power and leadership while at the same time concentrating a huge portion of the ad on family values. Boxer's theme was to fight for change and Dianne Fienstein highlighted her achievements in the face of undue hardship. Seargant and Ferraro took their ads and focused on highlighting power and leadership. Ultimately all of the women had feminine ad campaigns that were positive outlooks on women rather than weak, negative and superficially concerned. Though men started out with an unfair advantage of positive journalistic media coverage in 1992, women created ad campaigns that overcame the unbalance and won more seats in the House and Senate than ever before.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Recommendation Essay
Contoh Essay untuk Mengipas Orang Mara Supaya bagi Scholarship à Born in a small family of six and leads a simple life has really taught me, Firdaus Bin Ismail how significant it is to be a knowledgeable person in order to survive in this competitive world. On 20thà of April 1995 at Hospital Sultanah Fatimah, I was born. My respected father, Ismail bin Jaafar is a police officer and my beloved mother, Nor Rafidah binti Mahfudz is a . Being the eldest of three siblings, I have always been taught to be independent and to love both my younger brother and sister equally.Living in a small and discrete town of Simpang Renggam, Kluang, Johor for about 10 years, I adore the simple life in a small town. I received my formal primary education at SK Sri Petaling, Petaling Jaya from 2000 until 2001 before moving to SK Dato Onn Jaafar since 2002 until I sat for my UPSR in 2005. My UPSR result was excellent which was 5Aââ¬â¢s. As for to the superb achievement, I was offered to continue my s tudies at SM Sains Johor, Kluang-a cluster school. In 2006, I started my secondary school life in this prestigious institution.In 2008, I sat for my PMR and successfully maintained my perfect achievement by getting 8Aââ¬â¢s. Then, I was placed in a good Science-stream class in Form 4 and Form 5. My trial examination result was also flamboyant in which I obtained 5A+ââ¬â¢s, 3Aââ¬â¢s and 2A-ââ¬Ës. And for my SPM, praise to Allah, I got a sparkling results of 6A+ââ¬â¢s and 4Aââ¬â¢s. Now, it is proven that my academic performances are consistent and always tip-top. At school, I was among hundreds of bright students from all edges of Malaysia. This need hard work and big forbearances to stay in front.However, despite all the hardships I needed to face, I managed to shine as the schoolââ¬â¢s promising gem in all aspects. In addition for the splendid academic performance, I did well in extra-curricular affairs. In the field of sports and games, I was my sport houseâ⠬â¢s gold medal prospect in long-distance runs like 400m, 800m, 1500m and cross country. I contributed a new school record in long-distance run and grabbed bronze medal in the MSSD championship. In the uniform bodies, I was the active member of the Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet.My highest achievement in this field was when the schoolââ¬â¢s team managed to won the first runner-up in the Johor Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet Foot Drill Competition 2008. However, my achievements in clubs and societies were far better. I participated in the International Star Gazing and Space Camp 2010, Malaysia and Indonesia Regional Pedagogy Course 2010, became the only Johoreââ¬â¢s representative in the Pidato Piala Diraja Competition 2009 and 1Malaysia Pidato Competition 2010. I was also an outstanding Bahasa Malaysia debater and represented SM Sains Johor in various debate tournaments at national level.Other than that, I participated in the SBP Kebangsaan Career Carnival and The Star-RHB Sta te Level Mighty Minds Challenge 2010. Besides, I also participated in many leadership programs such as the SBP Kebangsaan House Captain Leadership Course 2010. My role as a leader should not be underestimated. I was chosen as the Head Prefect in my primary school. In SM Sains Johor, I cultivated my leadership skills when I became the school prefect since Form 2 and later on as the Secretariat of the Board of Prefect.I also became the President of Suria House, President of the Bahasa Melayu Debating Club, Vice President of the Computer Club, the Secretary of Bahasa Melayu Society, the Secretary of Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS), the committee member of Badan Dakwah and Rohani and also as the Prefect Dorm Leader at the boysââ¬â¢ hostel. Elsewhere, I hold the position of AJK Fire Drill in Fire Brigade and Rescuer Cadet, the Secretary of the Chess Club and an active member of the Athletic Club.I was selected to hold these positions due to my high self-confidence, the ability to speak out my ideas in front of the people without fears and my skills in persuading others. Proven, although I was extremely busy in many aspects throughout the year, I was still capable of managing my schedule systematically and coped with stress excellently until I gained huge success all around. HIGHER EDUCATION PLAN As I grow up, I am greatly influenced with medical fields due to many reasons. So, I become interested to be a doctor and anything related to medical fields.In 2009, my friends and I conducted a research about cardiology-related diseases at the famous National Heart Institute (IJN). After we had a long talk with one of the Malay cardiothoracic experts there, my determination was set up. ââ¬Å"I will become Malaysiaââ¬â¢s most well-known Malay cardiothoracic expert like him one day! â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à à Why do I set my heart to study medic so much? One of the reasons is because I love to learn Biology and Life Science very much. I am v ery interested to learn about living things, human bodies, the organs, the bones structure, the hormonal activities and also the body mechanisms.It makes me feel closer to the mighty Creator instead of just stunned by the miracles of our bodies. As for me, being a doctor is not only about giving exact treatments to the patients. It comprises the duties to educate people about the importance of maintaining good health and the significances of being free from any diseases. It is also a doctorââ¬â¢s responsibility to ensure that the societies realize about the dangers and risks of various diseases and illnesses thus providing helps to prevent those illnesses.My greatest weakness is that I may easily sympathize when I look at those unlucky people who suffer chronic diseases no matter children, adolescents, or even the elders. I will feel a sudden yearn to help them in any ways so that they can enjoy their precious life as I am enjoying mine. As a caring and loving member of this big society, no one will care if I need to sacrifice my time ,24 hours a day, 7 days a week when I can save the lives of the ill-fated patients? Being a doctor is such a noble job. The earning is profitable too. But yet, the thing I seek the most by being a doctor is the pleasure to treat sick people.I wish and set a high hope that one day I will be able to enter the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in that university is a large and dynamic faculty. It is rated in the top 1% biomedical universities in the world. This university is established as one of the best universities in this globe. The proof is that the University of Auckland was ranked 47thà among the worldââ¬â¢s best Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health universities according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking for the year 2010 and 2011 plus recognition for being the best university in New Zealand.The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the local, national and global communities through excellence in teaching, research and service. Over the past three years they have opened the award winning AMRF Medical Sciences Learning Centre, seen significant enhancement of their Advanced Clinical Skills Centre at Mercy Ascot Hospital, and commissioned a suite of new teaching rooms and a large integrated teaching facility. In 2009, the faculty opened the Centre for Brain Research, one of the largest neuroscience research facilities in the Southern Hemisphere.FUTURE CAREER PROSPECT. To show how deep my interest is in this field, I have even sketched and imagined myself 15 years ahead. In the first 6 to 7 years hopefully starting from next year, I will undergo foundations in medical course before continuing my degree in medic. After that, I will receive my first class degree in medic, the MB ChB, which is awarded to medical graduates in New Zealandââ¬â¢s universities. MB ChB stands for Bachelor of Medic ine and Bachelor of Surgery.As a fresh potential graduate, I will serve my country either with the government or any private medical centre in order to complete my fellowship and housemanship training. Then, I will do my Masters in medic, but this time I will specialized in cardiology to pursue my dream of being a cardiologist for another 2 or 3 years. Upon completion, I will become an expert doctor in cardiology or maybe cardiothoracic and serve at the National Heart Institute (IJN). I promised myself to be loyal to my beloved home country and to serve my people no matter how difficult it will be.I am here ready to be recruited as the first Malay and Muslim doctor to become a respected cardiology expert not only in my country but also worldwide. Therefore, I would like to respond to the need of 1 doctor for 500 citizens by 2020 as stated by the government via Health Informatics Centre Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. As the population grows and techno logies evolve, the demand for medical expert will always there. By then, Dr. Mohamad Haiqal Hazwan bin Madzian, will be there to ease the burden.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
External environment Essay
Recently I celebrated New Yearââ¬â¢s Eve with a good friend ââ¬â a small business owner in the automotive spray painting industry. We did the usual. Liberal doses of food and alcohol were consumed, and there was no shortage of laughter. During the course of the evening, my friend asked, ââ¬Å"Why it is that some people have an apparent midis touch? â⬠Itââ¬â¢s a question Iââ¬â¢m often asked. Is it purely luck, or is their success a result of something more cognitive? I responded by saying, ââ¬Å"While luck may play a role, the vast majority of the highly successful business people Iââ¬â¢ve met over the past 25 years do one thing in common ââ¬â and they do it extraordinarily well. They monitor their business environment to predict future market trends. They analyse external forces, such as their competitive environment, economic conditions, technological possibilities, political and legal forces, changes in demographics, seasonal factors, as well as shifts in social behaviourâ⬠. Basically they engage their crystal ball and they do it much better than most. Needless to say, on New Yearââ¬â¢s Day I was feeling a tad lethargic. A restful day; it did, however, give me time to think about our conversation and the various macro-external forces which confronted Australian businesses in 2011. You could say it was a self-inflicted day of reflection. These are just a mere example of what the successful men and women, above, analyse in advance. Of course, not all forces can be accurately predicted in advance. The 2010 New Zealand earthquake disaster is a prime example. Well, what a year it was. There were many challenges presented largely by macro-external forces. Although the mainstream media were reporting that business confidence was on the rise, this clearly, from my consultation with industry, wasnââ¬â¢t the general consensus. Sure there were pockets of our economy which performed well ââ¬â a notable performer being our seemingly ever-resilient resource sector. Australiaââ¬â¢s ASX 200, however, lost ground in the 12-months to December 31, closing at 4745. 20. While retail trade continued to display considerable volatility, as did the automotive sector. Indeed, success in the latter two areas hinged largely around the deployment of discount pricing tactics. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) progressively increased interest rates. Although these were predominantly in 25 basis point increments, they adversely affected consumer confidence when it came to purchasing large ticket items, such as domestic housing as well as non-essential luxuries. However, from a global comparison viewpoint, Australia exhibited very good buoyancy. Our currency, the AUD, had reached a 28 year historic high against the United States Dollar (USD), trading above parity with the greenback for the first time since the currency was initially floated in 1982. No doubt off-shore investment in the AUD was vigorously fuelled by the variance in comparative lending rates between the two countries. The financial attractiveness of imports caught Australian consumersââ¬â¢ attention, stimulated by the AUDââ¬â¢s appreciation. Online shopping, as a result, continued to gain popularity. More consumers than ever before were importing goods directly from off-shore retailers, in the process often avoiding goods and services tax (GST). Not surprisingly, this infuriated domestic retailers, who were not able to offer their customersââ¬â¢ the same loophole. Major retailers including Myer, David Jones and Harvey Norman are now investigating the possibility of enhancing their e-commerce presence, in a bid to alleviate any further sales erosion. Theyââ¬â¢re also vigorously fighting the federal government in their quest for an even playing field, with this initiative let by billionaire, Gerry Harvey. And Queenslandââ¬â¢s peculiar weather patterns caused havoc. With many Central Queensland towns and parts of the Darling Downs being flood ravaged, sadly the recent natural disaster left many people homeless. The cost of damage, as I write, is still mounting by the hour. Needless to say, the building and automotive industries will be the beneficiaries of this tragic twist of fate. South East Queensland wasnââ¬â¢t left unscathed, either. Hail storms caused extensive devastation in parts, keeping insurance companies and panel beaters busy for some time to come. Itââ¬â¢s fair to say, while panel beaters and automotive spray painters can look forward to a prosperous 12 months ahead, insurers are likely to be less optimistic about their feasibility over the same period of time. Food for thought: Here are just a number of starter questions which you might like ask yourself: 1. What is likely to happen to my business should the AUD dive back into sub-parity against the USD? 2. If interest rates rise, will this help or hinder my business? Why? 3. Are my competitorsââ¬â¢ outperforming me? If so, what exactly are they doing which is making them more successful? 4. Are my competitorsââ¬â¢ weak in a particular area? Am I able to capitalise upon this chink in their armour? 5. Is my business sensitive to, or reliant upon, seasonal factors? These might include specific climatic conditions. And, are these seasonal needs likely to transpire? 6. Are there any looming additions or amendments to legislation which could positively or adversely affect my business?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Operation Performance for the Cheesecake Factory
Operation Performance for the Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake Company has formulated strategies that have enabled the company to effectively carry out production and distribution of its products. Cheesecake restaurants have different segments; the casual dining segment deals with food production, creation of food recipes, distinctive layouts and customer attractions. The factory has increased its production by offering a diverse, attractive and modernized menu for its products. Wide varieties are offered including, pasta, pizza, burgers, salads, sandwiches, seafood and appetizers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Operation Performance for the Cheesecake Factory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The restaurants update their menu twice per year following consumerââ¬â¢s tastes and preferences; this ensures their menus remain competitive. Cheesecake bakeries have facilities capable to produce more than sixty varieties of cheese cakes. The factory produces high quality p roducts that are prepared using high quality ingredients as per the recipe. These products are prepared in the factoryââ¬â¢s premises on dairy basis using high quality raw materials. The factory offers an excellent value for its products; it relies on its restaurants to offer outstanding service to complement the value for the products. Cheesecake restaurants offer food at reasonable prices; the company is committed to offering admirable and competitive services. The objective of the company is to reach for each customerââ¬â¢s expectation and satisfaction. The company believes in their employees who are well trained and qualified. The company has programs that attracts employees who are qualified, and motivates them to work at its restaurants. The restaurants reward committed employees by providing them with extensive training to improve their output. The programs they provide have helped their employees to fully commit to companyââ¬â¢s core values. The restaurants are desi gned with modern equipments and operating systems build with modern technology to improve the efficiency in their kitchens. Flexibility in kitchen allow for thriving food preparation and deliveries to multiple locations where their customers are located. Cheesecake factory restaurants have unique designs and decorations for customer attraction. The restaurants are designed in a way that provides comfort and expansion. An outdoor patio seating is designed in these restaurants to provide extra space to cater for extra capacity needs. Cheesecake restaurants are located at strategic locations with high profiles. These locations are highly populated areas, with diverse businesses and residences. Unlike other theme restaurants, Cheesecake restaurants do not over rely on tourists who are occasional visitors.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They accommodate the needs of lo yal customers who visit their restaurants from urban and suburban areas. They mostly depend on the customers who reside and work at nearby areas where their restaurants are located. The company owns 165 outlets in 35 states of US; of late, it has extended its locations outside the U.S including the Middle East. Cheesecake Factoryââ¬â¢s Bakery Cafà © department has explored and succeeded internationally. Cheesecake restaurants experience significant competitions; there are a large number of restaurants that compete with these restaurants both directly and indirectly. Some of these restaurants have a high financial standing in terms of revenues and economies of scale. The biggest challenge that faces the restaurant in the line of competition is the change of tastes of their products by customers, making them opt for their competitorsââ¬â¢ products. Competition power among Cheesecake restaurants and other restaurants is also affected by the trends in population, availability of raw materials and labor. Nevertheless, Cheesecake Company remains very competitive among its rivals, since the company embraces innovation, creativity and diversity.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Quantataive Critique essays
A Quantataive Critique essays 1. What is the purpose of the research study? The purpose of the research study is to determine the effects of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training in obese coronary patients. 2. Are the problem Yes, the studies purpose or objective as the article calls it is the first statement made in the abstract. 3. Does the purpose identify the variables, population, The purpose statement does identify the population as obese coronary patients; the setting is two large teaching institutions and the variables are obese coronary patients versus non-obese coronary patients involved in cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training. 4. What is the significance of the problem for generating nursing knowledge as identified by the investigator? It was determined cardiac rehabilitation significantly reduced coronary risk factors in obese patients. It was also determined that coronary risk factors were even further reduced in non-obese patients following cardiac rehabilitation. The point made was that by specifically targeting obese coronary patients for cardiac rehabilitation, would yield greater exercise capacity, and improved lipid values. 5. Discuss the feasibility issues of studying this problem. I think this study would be easy to accomplish. I believe that most of the activity already takes place in facilities with cardiac rehabilitation programs. It would be a matter of collecting all the data and insuring that lab values and exercise tolerance data be recorded and maintained. 1. What are the research variables in the study? Identify independent and dependent where appropriate. The independent research variable would be the coronary patients, obese and non-obese. The dependant variable would be the data collected, such as exercise tolerance, lab values of lipid profiles and body mass index. 2. How are the variables conceptually and opera...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Types of Unnecessary Hyphenation
3 Types of Unnecessary Hyphenation 3 Types of Unnecessary Hyphenation 3 Types of Unnecessary Hyphenation By Mark Nichol An extraneous instance of hyphenation occurs in each of the following sentences. Discussion after each example explains the error, and revisions illustrate correct treatment. 1. Those organizations that adapt will be able to excel in the long-term. Some pairs of words closely associated because they commonly appear together as phrasal adjectives are often unnecessarily hyphenated when they do not serve that grammatical function. Though long and term frequently serve together as a phrasal adjective, as in ââ¬Å"long-term goals,â⬠in this sentence, they are an adjective and a noun, respectively, and hyphenating them is an error: ââ¬Å"Those organizations that adapt will be able to excel in the long term.â⬠2. NASA officials recommend viewing the eclipse through specially-made glasses to prevent eye damage. What is perhaps the most common type of error of intrusive hyphenation is as a result of confusion between phrasal adjectives and phrasal adverbs. When two or more words team up to modify a noun, the modifying terms are usually hyphenated to signal their teamwork, as in ââ¬Å"four-legged animals.â⬠(Otherwise, the implication is that the phrase refers to a quartet of animals with legs.) But when the first word is an adverb ending in -ly, that ending sends an obvious signal that the first word modifies not the noun but the accompanying modifying word, as in ââ¬Å"NASA officials recommend viewing the eclipse through specially made glasses to prevent eye damage,â⬠where specially modifies glasses (and, in turn, the two words provide additional information about the glasses.) However, for the sake of clarity, flat adverbs- those lacking the -ly ending- are hyphenated, as in ââ¬Å"high-pitched voice.â⬠3. After two weeks, it turns out letting strangers in has been the least-troubling part of the experience. . . . There are certainly less-invasive ways to keep packages safe, like lockboxes or shipping to the office. Similarly, do not hyphenate modifying phrases that start with least or less (or most or more): ââ¬Å"After two weeks, it turns out letting strangers in has been the least troubling part of the experience. . . . There are certainly less invasive ways to keep packages safe, like lockboxes or shipping to the office.â⬠However, a phrase beginning with ââ¬Å"less thanâ⬠or ââ¬Å"more thanâ⬠is hyphenated when the string of words provides more information about a noun that follows the phrase: ââ¬Å"Less-than-optimal terms can result in future costs that reduce the benefit of a lower purchase price.â⬠But note that stand-alone phrases beginning with less and the like are sometimes mistakenly hyphenated, as in ââ¬Å"Some people were less-than-thrilled to see the giraffe in the indoor pen.â⬠à Here, ââ¬Å"less than thrilledâ⬠is merely describing a reaction, not modifying a noun, so omit the hyphens: ââ¬Å"Some people were less than thrilled to see the giraffe in the indoor pen.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Meetingâ⬠Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Strategic analysis of a company and its competitive environment Essay - 1
Strategic analysis of a company and its competitive environment - Essay Example The company has employed over 7600 employers in the UK and overseas. M&S ultimate goal is to become a major retailer in the global market. The company has come up with strategic plans to help them achieve this goal. The first plan was launched in 2007 and aimed at achieving at attaining 100 commitments in 5 years but the plan has extended to 180 commitments to be attained by 2015 (Thompson 15). The first section of the paper analyses M&S external environment. The external environment analysis pays attention the factors affecting the company and is often referred to as the macro environment. This entails the study of the how the company deals with change in the market, how it responds to the market demands and any competitive forces in the market. The analysis of the external market is done using the PESTEL analysis and the Porter Five Forces (Baines et al. 33). The second section analyses the companyââ¬â¢s internal environment using the SWOT analysis. Analysis of both the internal and external environment affects the strategic analysis of the company. The strategic analysis of a company helps identify the environmental factors that impact on a company (Harris 55). Additionally, it clearly outlines the activities in the organisation and outside the organisation. M&S External Environment The external environment is made up of the forces and conditions that are beyond the companyââ¬â¢s control and influence the companyââ¬â¢s strategic options. Furthermore, it defines the competitive forces that could have positive and negative effects on the company (Harris 55). The PESTLE model is used to analyse the classes of external factors that can affect M&S ability to expand and survive in the current competitive market. PESTLE Analysis The companyââ¬â¢s growth depends on the political stability, business growth and investor growth in the country. The government sets rules and regulations that companies must abide by including risk control and assessment, healt h and safety and planning for hazard identification. Additionally, the legal and administrative factors in the economy including trade regulations, tax rates, incentives, pricing regulation and employee benefits (Hibbit 1998). The company has been faced by various political factors such as the war in Iraq that led to instability in the UK economy. The company failed to abide by the health and safety regulation established by the British Standards. George Blair who was injured in the line of duty after the company continued to ignore repairs also charged the company (Hibbit 1998). Finally, in 2006 the company was the first giant retailer to be affected by the Fair trade route on its clothing and food sections. This included a regulations relating to animal welfare protection and to cut down on the fat and salt content. Economic Factors The economic environment surrounding the company is highly uncertain and has huge impact on all the companyââ¬â¢s segment including food, clothing and furniture. M&S was adversely affected by the global recession and cut down on the number of employees and closed a number of stores. The governmentââ¬â¢s legislation to increase the VAT led to a drastic decline in the companyââ¬â¢s sales (Harris 55). However, in the recent times, the economy has had a positive
Friday, October 18, 2019
Journal 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal 3 - Essay Example n almost unanimously agree,â⬠Adding that, ââ¬Å"Debates over immigration can continue for decades, resulting in significant policy changes without -- or even in opposition to -- presidential leadership. Scholars point to the lengthy debates of the 1840s and 1850s, when nativists particularly feared the growing political power of Irish Roman Catholics. From roughly 1880 through 1930, the "new immigrants" from Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe provoked many Americans into predictions of what they called racial "mongrelization.",â⬠(Gabaccia, p.1). In consideration of the high level of immigrants which traveled to the Americas long ago and to a certain extent to this day, it is quite intriguing to see the lack of discussion that occurs on a political level as it comes to the debate over such an issue that possesses great historical relevance to the history of any nation, including the United States. In the case of current debate, often times the subject of immigration is placed heavily on the issue of border control between neighboring countries. When it comes to choosing political candidates, it becomes quite commonplace to view them first in foremost through such means as categorizing based on ethnic background, nationality, or even gender. Despite the continued desire among many to see those who live within the borders of the United States through such means that are not legal, it continues to be an issue for discussion that appears to have no clear cut way for attempting to solve the matter at all. In the end, ââ¬Å"Race, ethnicity, religion, and nativity can fig-ure prominently in presidential campaigns precisely because they symbolize the depth of contradictions in the shifting political coalitions that uneasily unite national parties. That was certainly the case in 1928. It is equally true today,â⬠(Gabaccia, p.2). One of the basic things which many take for granted is that of the chance to wear what we want and to do so when we please. Such
The Effects of Globalisation on UK Education Essay
The Effects of Globalisation on UK Education - Essay Example The force in the market demands higher education, which can churn knowledge workers who possess both technical and managerial skills. The UK government has responded to these global needs by changing its higher education system. The paper will address school standardisation, early year education and care, and overseas student education in British Universities. School Standardisation Globalisation in the context of education standardisation would refer to changes developed in the education system in response to demand of human resource. Knowledge steers every sector of economy at national and global scale. This attribute dictate the response that the UK government towards realigning its education policies. Policy makers in education sector have identified the need to adapt to global changes. Foskett, Nick and Maringe (2010: 54) argue that globalisation defines the rationale for changing the structures of education system with a view of meeting the needs of national economy. The economic success of a country depends on higher value added production mechanism, which embraces the use of technology and continual innovation. Since information is the central factor that contributes to knowledge flow, UK universities have embarked on innovative education integration with an aim of responding to the global needs. The UK government has argued that its global competence de pend on unlocked potential of its citizens (Pratt-Adams, 2010:78). The argument suggests that viability of an individual in the job market would thus depend on higher education level. The reward to an individual would derive from his job or her job would depend on level of education. This factor is in line with market principle, which argues that prosperity of a labourer would depend on the ability to market his skills. Critics have observed that globalisation influence education by forcing societies to evolve and change as a part of their development agenda, emphasising on insertion of neo liberal principles observed in the market with an aim of raising standards (Pratt-Adams, 2010:78). This influence has led to reformation of public education system with a view of creating different types of schools that would generate skills that would lead to attainment of global competitiveness. Some critics have described global economisation of education as process that fails to account for local and cultural discourses (Barton & Armstrong, 2008:127). For instance, the government of Wales have pointed out the need to create more vocational skilled labor. However, education critics have pointed that standardisation of education, testing, uniformity of curriculum, and ranking waters the value of education (Pratt-Adams, 2010:78). However, it is important to note that the role of education is to prepare workforce for the labour market. Critics of education believe that different people possess different abilities, which means that the system of standardisation must address these special needs (Great Britain Parliament. 2009:129). Curriculum adaption to global changes Education system that seeks to respond to the global goals has to change its curriculum in accordance with the global framework. The challenge in curriculum construction is balancing between the national needs and the global needs (Frau-Meigs and Torrent, 2009:129). These two factors have
Explore the class system in America. In what way does it still exist Research Paper
Explore the class system in America. In what way does it still exist Or, in what way does it really not exist - Research Paper Example Kendall defines the definition of the class system as follows (219): The class system is a stratification based on the ownership and control of resources and on the type of work they do (qtd. in Rothman). Classical Perspectives on Social Class Karl Marx and Max Weber viewed class as an important factor in determining social change. According to Karl Marx, class is defined as a relationship to the means of production. In his opinion, a class can be capitalistic or it can be a working class. A capitalistic class consists of those who own the means of production. Workers in a working class are those who need to sell their labor in order to earn money. Major factor described by Marxââ¬â¢s theory involved in distinction between the two classes is power and authority (Kendall, 221). Weber came up with another theory as he was living in an era in which capitalism changed over time. He came up with a multidimensional approach to social stratification. He suggested there are three main fac tors wealth, power and prestige, out of which no single factor can determine the class level. Individuals can rank high in one factor and low in the other (Kendall, 221). Combining the Weberian and Marxian approaches to social class, research Dennis Gilbert (2003) developed a model of social class based on three factors: education, occupation, family income (Kendall, 223). Stratification based on education, occupation and income (Kendall, 224). ... duced that education is not a direct factor contributing in the status level, but it indirectly influences the two other dimensions, that is, occupation and income. Education also shapes cultural behavior. Statistics of 1993 confirms that education the role of education in generating Americaââ¬â¢s social division. It shows that among individuals earning more than $100,000 per year, 49 percent had postgraduate degrees (Fleishman, 57). Sajjadi in her article discusses about social class system as a description of how scarce resources are distributed in a society. Those scarce resources are wealth, income, education and occupation. She further writes that income is an important scarce resource. But, it is occupation that provides income, and it is education that determines the type of occupation. Income is also related to other life consequences such as the quality of education obtained, health care, and housing (Sajjadi, Social Stratification in United States). As mentioned above, U S individual income depends on education. In 2005, the top 15 percent of income earners were actually the ones with doctorate and professional degrees. Those who had bachelorââ¬â¢s degree had incomes above the national median and people with college degree had less income (Sajjadi, Social Stratification in United States). Education serves as one of the most essential class feature in US, which is directly linked in income and occupation. Level of Disparity Let us see how rich the riches are in US: (Durden, A Visual Reminder of US Social Stratification). A Harvard professor and behavioral economist asked more than 5000 Americans on their opinion on wealth distribution in US. Most of them thought its more balanced than it actually is (Durden, A Visual Reminder of US Social Stratification). (Durden,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Serial Killers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Serial Killers - Essay Example A Serial Killer is usually considered to be a person found killing two or more person within a series of incidents. It has been ascertained that serial killers are usually psychotic. There are different types of serial killers such as ââ¬ËVisionary Serial Killerââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËLust Killer,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËMissionary Serial Killerââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËThrill Killerââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËGain Serial Killerââ¬â¢. As stated earlier, different types of serial killers have different motives (Leung, n.d.). Correspondingly, the primary purpose of this paper is to provide a through description of the criminal background of Dennis Rader (BTK) and explain the criminalââ¬â¢s behaviors. Furthermore, this paper intends to discuss psychological theories and research contributed to the apprehension, prosecution understanding and/or treatment of the criminal. Background Dennis L. Rader popularly known by the name ââ¬Å"Bind, Torture, and Killâ⬠(BTK) was born in the year March 09, 1945 in the city of Pittsburg, Kansas in the USA. He is the oldest son of Mr. William Rader and Mrs. Dorothea Rader. Raderââ¬â¢s father Mr. William was a member of the US Marine corp. who later joined a privately owned firm in the year 1948. After joining the private firm the family moved into a modest but pleasant home on N. Seneca Street which was sold after Rader was arrested in the year 2005. As a child, it was observed that Rader was normal and unremarkable like other children of that age period. It was also viewed that Rader was an active participant of Boy Scouts and was a regular activities in Church Youth group program. It was later accepted by Rader that the desire to torture and kill someone was generated during the childhood stage but had to hide it from the outside world as it was illegal against the law. However, he also admitted that as a child he killed animals by hanging them in order to fulfill his fantasy. Those who knew Rader affirmed that as a youth he was addressed a po lite and quite young man. He was also considered to be one of the most precised speaking among his friends as he only spoke very little but meaningful. With the passage of time in the year 1965, Rader enrolled into Kansas Wesleyan College in Salina. He was considered to be average student amongst his classmates. . However, in the year 1966, he joined the US Air Force with the prime motive of not being drafted into the war going on between USA and Vietnam. Rader was first send to Lack Land Air Force Base in Saint Antonio for 1 year and kept serving in the military sector till his service ended in the year 1970. It is worth mentioning at during his service in the air force Rader was ranked as sergeant for his excellence contribution to the US air force especially in installation of antenna equipmentââ¬â¢s. Later he married Paula Dietz one of his fellow classmates and was 3 years younger than him. After their marriage they settled in Park City not far from his fatherââ¬â¢s home a nd worked in several stores till he was recruited by Cessna in the year 1973 together earning a degree in Electronics in the same year. It is worth mentioning that it took Rader 6 years of night schools to earn the degree and he describes himself as a C minus or D level students. Soon after getting fired by Cessna in the year 1973 Rader was again fascinated by his childhood desire to kill people. Soon after getting fired from the job, Rader searched for situations to fulfill his desire for killing people.
The Emergence of Modernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Emergence of Modernism - Essay Example All in all, everyone involved needed commitment and dedication towards literary and artistic styles. Latin American artists and writers were encouraged and motivated in the emergence of new literary and artistic styles in the end of the 19th century. Nevertheless, this could not be realized without proper utilization and accommodation to the available factors at that period of time. Industrialization is one of the major contributors towards modernism. The urge by various emerging nations to become industrialized, felt that traditional forms of literature, arts, social organizations, religious activities and their daily lives were becoming outdated (Malcolm and McFarlane 102). Thus, the need for new and modern social, economic, political and environmental conditions was required so as to cater for the emerging markets and increased demands. However, various movement approaches from different artists and writers emerged during this period to make possible towards meeting the rising needs and wants by the industrial world players. Industrialization created room for improvements, devel opment and reshaping of existing forms of literature and arts to the people. On the other end, technology goes hand in hand with modernism. Therefore, technological advancements led to enhanced modernization through democratic revolutions. Technology acted and still acts as a motivating factor in the emergence of new artistic and literally styles. It is through it that we have seen more and increased production of arts and literature. The rate to access raw materials as well as getting them was made easier and comfortable, thus, allowing both artists and writers produce good and quality products. As a result, new methods towards producing new results were realized by the use of different technologies and advancements (Frascina and Charles 142). According to Frascina and Charles (90),
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Serial Killers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Serial Killers - Essay Example A Serial Killer is usually considered to be a person found killing two or more person within a series of incidents. It has been ascertained that serial killers are usually psychotic. There are different types of serial killers such as ââ¬ËVisionary Serial Killerââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËLust Killer,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËMissionary Serial Killerââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËThrill Killerââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËGain Serial Killerââ¬â¢. As stated earlier, different types of serial killers have different motives (Leung, n.d.). Correspondingly, the primary purpose of this paper is to provide a through description of the criminal background of Dennis Rader (BTK) and explain the criminalââ¬â¢s behaviors. Furthermore, this paper intends to discuss psychological theories and research contributed to the apprehension, prosecution understanding and/or treatment of the criminal. Background Dennis L. Rader popularly known by the name ââ¬Å"Bind, Torture, and Killâ⬠(BTK) was born in the year March 09, 1945 in the city of Pittsburg, Kansas in the USA. He is the oldest son of Mr. William Rader and Mrs. Dorothea Rader. Raderââ¬â¢s father Mr. William was a member of the US Marine corp. who later joined a privately owned firm in the year 1948. After joining the private firm the family moved into a modest but pleasant home on N. Seneca Street which was sold after Rader was arrested in the year 2005. As a child, it was observed that Rader was normal and unremarkable like other children of that age period. It was also viewed that Rader was an active participant of Boy Scouts and was a regular activities in Church Youth group program. It was later accepted by Rader that the desire to torture and kill someone was generated during the childhood stage but had to hide it from the outside world as it was illegal against the law. However, he also admitted that as a child he killed animals by hanging them in order to fulfill his fantasy. Those who knew Rader affirmed that as a youth he was addressed a po lite and quite young man. He was also considered to be one of the most precised speaking among his friends as he only spoke very little but meaningful. With the passage of time in the year 1965, Rader enrolled into Kansas Wesleyan College in Salina. He was considered to be average student amongst his classmates. . However, in the year 1966, he joined the US Air Force with the prime motive of not being drafted into the war going on between USA and Vietnam. Rader was first send to Lack Land Air Force Base in Saint Antonio for 1 year and kept serving in the military sector till his service ended in the year 1970. It is worth mentioning at during his service in the air force Rader was ranked as sergeant for his excellence contribution to the US air force especially in installation of antenna equipmentââ¬â¢s. Later he married Paula Dietz one of his fellow classmates and was 3 years younger than him. After their marriage they settled in Park City not far from his fatherââ¬â¢s home a nd worked in several stores till he was recruited by Cessna in the year 1973 together earning a degree in Electronics in the same year. It is worth mentioning that it took Rader 6 years of night schools to earn the degree and he describes himself as a C minus or D level students. Soon after getting fired by Cessna in the year 1973 Rader was again fascinated by his childhood desire to kill people. Soon after getting fired from the job, Rader searched for situations to fulfill his desire for killing people.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Two Quetions eight hundred words a peice 12 pitch double space Essay
Two Quetions eight hundred words a peice 12 pitch double space - Essay Example The impact of the above mentioned immigration policies and especially the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1943 was that the total number of these Asian aliens in America became negligible compared to other races like Germans and Italians who had no such harsh immigration restrictions. This therefore fulfilled one goal of the immigration policies of having minimal racial preponderance and especially from the Middle Eastern nations (Ueda, 1994). The other impact that is present even today is that due to the open cultural discrimination in these restrictive immigration policies, the relationship between the United States and the Middle Eastern nations started becoming strained. The strain led to cold war between these two regions with the Middle Eastern nations aiming to outdo the United States economically, politically and even in military strength. The economic war has been the strongest and has proved to be tough on American manufacturers who are constantly being outdone by Asian manufacturers and especially technologically (Daniels, 2005). The Immigration Act of 1965 was a tremendous improvement from the one in 1924. It abolished the quota system in immigrations and was determined on permitting into their country immigrants who had skills and or relatives in the United States. This abolishment was especially aimed at removing the cultural restrictions on citizens of Eastern Asia and part of Eastern and Southern Europe who had been the target of the 1924 Immigration Act. The factors that facilitated this change in immigration policies was the so called embarrassment it caused the United States by making the country become a culturally discriminatory one. The previous Act according to then president Lyndon was against the principle of American democracy which aimed at ensuring equality. The congress of the time also wanted to establish a good
Monday, October 14, 2019
Professional Development At Premier Inn Management Essay
Professional Development At Premier Inn Management Essay Award-winning Premier Inn is a subsidiary of Whitbread PLC and is considered as the UKs largest and fastest-growing hotel brand with 578 budget hotels and more than 40,000 rooms across the UK and Ireland at reasonable prices. In 2008 Premier Inn launched in Dubai and will be opening in India later this year. On a domestic front, Premier Inn is set to be the largest provider of budget hotels in London by the 2012 Olympics. As Premier Inn consists of huge number of employees, it has to manage all of them in better way since success of the company significantly depends on their people management efficiency along with their career success. As a proud team member of UKs largest and fastest-growing hotel brand, I would like to explain my career /professional development plan in detail by this report. 1.2 Premier Inn philosophy A cornerstone of the Premier Inn philosophy is all about widening employee career paths or access new roles; further, all open positions are advertised internally prior to searching for outside candidates and we will always look to promote members of the team where possible the development of employees is the key aspect, though we are all motivated by different aspirations. Moreover, Company share the same commitment to quality of work carried out by the employees as it has been recognized the fact that rewarding employees is a crucial factor in terms of motivating employees. 1.1.1. Premier Inn Values Genuine We really care about our customers Confident We strive to be the best at what we do Committed We work hard for each other 4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Premier Inn Core Values 1.3 What is Personal Development Plan Personal Development Planning refers to the creation of an action plan based on a reflection of personal, career, and academic objectives. In addition to a PDP, these reflections are typically a portfolio containing evidence of the skills gathered over a particular timeframe. It is presumed in education that undertaking POP will assist in creating self-directed independent learners who are more likely to progress to higher levels of academic attainment. It is also used in Human resource management. Continuing Professional Development is just a method of ensuring that you attain the right abilities to do your job and maintain/enhance your skill. It embraces everything that you perform to get better your job performance and your lifelong employability. Many Professional organizations and Societies have a obligation for their members to stay a record of their professional updating and growth. It can also assist those who are, or will be undertaking nationwide Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in the UK. This is also high-quality practice for an association striving towards creature World Class, a Learning Organization. Most of these professional societies have a obligation that you demonstrate personal development and learning representing 3-5 days (25-35 hours) per year. Increasingly, your professional culture is asking to see evidence of continuous growth in order to maintain your registration/ expert status. If your professional corpse does not yet have an obligatory requirement for this the length of with a monitoring/ auditing system they soon will Have. 5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1.4 Who is responsible for personal development To be successful it is fine practice to work in partnership with your employer. You be supposed to realize however that ownership of your CPD proof is yours and no one elses. The plan you set up will need to be flexible and change as your job requirements and aspirations change. It should also be realistic, not each one can become the Director of Nursing or Executive Director but everybody with forethought and some planning can discover challenge, diversity and interest in their job and vocation. Change is continuous in all aspects of life and efforts you put into keeping abreast of new knowledge and expanding your abilities will reap rewards when opportunities arise. It will have become obvious that a key feature of CPD is training but the significant difference between CPD and training is that CPD is prearranged to suit you and your career. 1.5 Job Profile I am working as the Hotel Manager and responsible for achieving optimal guest satisfaction and a good working environment to attain all set objectives. To achieve this, Im responsible for running the hotel in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures and Policies as set out by Premier Inn. Further, Im responsible for the Implementation of optimal and attractive products and services required to address the hotels target groups, based on pre-agreed marketing plans and budgets while ensuring the correct production and distribution of information and promotion materials as agreed to. Guard the efficiency/productivity and the company results: Draw up plans and budget concepts (revenues, costs, etc.); Safeguard the realization, tracing and adjustment of deviations; Developing improvement actions, carry out costs savings; Guard/ controlling of cost price Delivering of data and proposals for the budgets and investments. Safeguard quality of operations (internal external audits) Manage the various Department Heads Coordinate planning of Department Heads and Assistant Managers with regard to time-tables, work schedules, employment of employees within the different services; solving of bottle necks; Coordination of the execution of activities via instructions to the Heads of Departments/ Assistant Managers, supervision of the execution; Determination of the workforce, recruitment and hiring of new staff, supervision of sufficient introduction, execution of performance reviews and training of staff. Be accountable for responsibilities of department heads in their absence. 6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Implement the Golden Tulip franchise formula optimally in the hotel and act as a flagship establishment for the Golden Tulip brand. Prepare a monthly financial reporting. Ensure an adequate administration, for the outgoing and incoming invoices, for the payment of invoices and for drawing up periodical management data. Justify deviations and differences. Other tasks; Handling complaints, in the last resort. Other reliable to the above mentioned, tasks in order of the executive; Handing over opinions and beliefs, decisions etc. to the executives; Leading various internal and external meetings; Supervise the fulfillment of the regulations of the employment legalization, Occupational Health Safety Act, HACCP, legionella, fire regulations and other legal requirements Correct use of Golden Tulips corporate identity. Maintain contacts with public authorities 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Task 2 2.1 Job Analysis A lot of people go blank when you ask them regarding their skills. Thus sometimes it is easier to exertion backwards from what you have done to work out and what you are good at. This is where a job analysis can assist. (Personal-skills-audit; 2010) Step One Take a divide sheet of paper for each of the jobs you have done and mark the job title at the top. Divide each piece into two columns. Use the first pillar to brainstorm all tasks each role involved. Include as much feature as you can. Dont just list the bureaucrat duties but include everything you turned your hand over to in that role. Avoid minor road terms similar to produced a monthly newsletter. Break it down into the stepladder concerned wrote articles, canvassed team for ideas, convinced pictures/photos, liaised with print room, etc. Dont be troubled about whether they are significant or Insignificant; just try to capture as much of what you did as probable. Observe out for any unenthusiastic self-talk here (well, it was only or I just did a little bit of ). The reason of brainstorming is to squeeze out as much information as possible. You can evaluate the activities later. Step Two The second step of your personal skills appraisal involves looking at these tasks to search what skills you contain developed. Make a list of the skills you needed to take out all these tasks. Were you showing an ability to deal with people? Were you using and analysing in sequence and data? Were you coming up with ideas and being original? Were you using sensible abilities such as repairing things? If you are not sure what skills you were using, take a look at the checklist of individual skills I have created. You will find that it also helps if you come up with a friend or your Career modifies Buddy two heads are always better than one. Step Three Dont discontinue with work. Do additional sheets for former unpaid roles you play in your life e.g. parent, sports club secretary, gardener, and the list could be fairly long! 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A personal skills audit of what you have ended outside of work can be extremely revealing and help you to value the skills you have gained from all areas of your existence. You may find that there are skills you comprise developed here that you just dont give yourself recognition for. For example, you may be the trainer for a local football team using skills like management, motivation, encouragement, training etc.. If you really enjoy this, but do not hold a management or team leadership role at labour this might propose that this could be a new direction for you in your career. And you by now have many of the skills you require. Personal Skills Audit An optional strategy is just to sit yourself down and make a list of what you be acquainted with you are good at. This will come easier to a number of than to others. 2.2.1 Step One Just begin writing. You already know at smallest amount some of the things you are good at. Youll find there are some skills you feel very sure with and others where you think you can do them a bit. Dont be introvert this is not an exercise where you can be shy. Be proud to list what you be acquainted with you do well. Step Two You will come up with several skills without any prompting, but there will be many further. As I mentioned on top of, if you are the kind of someone that prefers working with a checklist, take seem at the list of personal skills I have shaped as a punctual. Another basis of ideas is job ads. Start scrutinizing newspapers for any kind of job and see what kinds of skills come up frequently. Recruiters know the importance of skills this is why they list the ones they need in their occupation ads. Step Three I already talk about brainstorming with your Career modify Buddy in the previous exercise. Dont stop there. Why not in a straight line ask some of your associates and colleagues what they think are your chief strengths and skills as they see them. Give them a bit of time to think concerning it and ask them to highlight what they think are your top 3 or 4 skills. It can be a genuine self-assurance booster to hear others reflect backs what they worth in you as a friend or colleague. 9 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT When you have done your individual skills audit, take a look at what I propose at the beginning of the personal skills checklist. A list is not sufficient. It is important that you speed your skills by level of ability and level of enjoyment Personal Development Learning Style Cognitive styles pass on to the preferred way an individual processes in order. Unlike individual differences in capabilities (e.g., Gardner, Guilford, Sternberg) which describe peak recital, styles describe a persons typical mode of thinking, remembering or trouble solving. Styles are regularly considered to be bipolar dimensions whereas abilities are unipolar (ranging from zero to a most value). Having extra of ability is usually considered beneficial while having a exacting cognitive method simply denotes a tendency to perform in a certain manner. Cognitive style is a usually described as a character dimension which influences attitudes, values, and social communication. A huge number of cognitive styles have been identified and studied in the history. Field self government versus field dependence is almost certainly the most well known style. It refers to a propensity to approach the environment in a logical, as opposed to global, fashion. At a perceptual level, field self-governing personalities are clever to distinguish figures as discrete from their backgrounds compared to field dependent persons who experience events in an undifferentiated way. In adding, field needy individuals have a greater social orientation relative to field self-regulating personalities. Studies have identified quantity connections between this cognitive style and learning. For example, meadow independent individuals are likely to learn more effectively beneath conditions of intrinsic motivation (e.g., self-study) and are influenced less by social reinforcement. Kolb and Lewin Model I would like to introduce this method to measure personal performance. Learning styles specifically transaction with characteristic styles of learning. Kolb (1984) suggests a theory of experiential learning that involves four major stages: tangible experiences, reflective observation, theoretical conceptualization, and vigorous experimentation. The CE/AC and AE/RO dimensions are glacial opposites as far as learning methods are concerned and Kolb postulates four types of beginners (divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators) depending upon their location on these two dimensions. For example, an accommodator prefers tangible experiences and vigorous experimentation CAE,CE). An ordinary approach to viewing learning styles is linked to a learning series of experience, surveillance and mirror image, configuration and then testing of concepts. Although commonly referred to as the Kolb Learning Cycle this round was proposed by Kurt Lewin who got the idea from manage engineering. David Kolb (1984) popularized Lewins proposal (hence the common title). 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEARNING STYLE 2010 The four steps of the Experiential Learning Cycle are:- Concrete experience Observation and Reflection Abstract Conceptualization Testing concepts in new situations The cycle is a continuous course with the present concrete experience being the basis for observations and reflections, which allow the expansion of a theory, The theory is then tested in new situations to direct to more concrete experience. Kolb developed from the Lewin sculpt the idea that students have a overriding phase of the cycle during which they prefer to learn and therefore will contain preferred modes of learning. In order to identify the preferred learn and learning styles, Kolb developed a Learning Style record that identified students preference for the four modes corresponding to the stages in the learning series. 11 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Task 03 3.1 Personal Development Plan To obtain all goals and objective should have proper personal development plan. I have to be more relevant to the companys requirements. Especially should be practical member who is practicing and matching companys values and code of ethics while improving my personal skills. Therefore I have to use proper personal development planning model as follows; Developing a Personal Development Plan My Needs How Can I meet those needs? What are the Challenges in my job current that I need to meet? Where do I want to be in 2 years? Where do I want to be in 5 or 10 years? How does that fit in with what the practice wants? What adjustments will other people need to make for me to achieve what I want? What else should I consider? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 2010 3.2 Personal Analysis (SWOT) A personal SWOT analysis is a powerful technique that can be used when seeking a career change in the Unilever. Linked to a strong and powerful goal, it can enable to take advantage of skills, talents and abilities to take career to the next level. Look at each area and consider the questions that follow and write down the answers that come into the mind. 12 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.2.1 Strengths Personal strengths form an innate part of who are I and my characteristics. Consider my strengths as I see them and talk to your colleagues and friends for a further source of support. What are the skills and capabilities do I have? Leadership, teamwork, rational thinking In what areas do I excel? Leadership handling people and innovative thinking What qualifications, accreditations or experience make me unique? Marketing professional qualifications and marketing experience What would other people consider to be my strengths? Friendliness negotiation ability What qualities, values or beliefs make me stand out from others? Politeness, honest and self discipline Weaknesses Consider my personal weaknesses and how I may be seen by others. It is important to list any areas I feel may be holding me back. What are the gaps in your capabilities and what skills do I need to develop? Language skills In what areas could I improve? Speaking writing skills What would other people consider to be my weaknesses? Language skills What personal difficulties do I need to overcome to reach my goal? Practicing the language Opportunities Opportunities are normally external and may relate to changes in technology, people that may influence decisions, or training, development or support that may support my aspirations. What opportunities are available to me? Higher marketing post in the industry in Hospitality industry Recognition in the business field What external influences can help you to achieve success? Marketing environmental influences Pressure from customers Who could support you to help you achieve your goal? Professional trainers Professional courses 13 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.2.4 Threats Threats are also normally external and are the things that get in the way of my success. What obstacles am I facing? Bad economical crisis market down turn What external influences may hinder my success? Unemployment competition for better jobs Who or what could get in the way of you achieving my goal? Organizational structure How Develop My Professional Success I have to be more relevant to the companys requirements. Specially should be practical member who is practicing and matching companys values and code of ethics while improving my personal skills. 3.3.1 Leadership Skills To maximise cooperation and increase productivity within the firm, a few issues should be considered to improve team leadership. Therefore i have to improve my leadership skills with taking support from the company. While the firm has development conversations in place, constructive feedback conversations that work as a two-way process can assist to increases self-awareness of individuals and offers options and encourages development. By taking the conversation to a more informal level and the consequently building of relationships encourages trust between team members. Specific and descriptive feedback on exemplary and not acceptable behaviour should be given to avoid conflict in an organisation and increase performance levels. By starting with a positive point, people are encouraged and using particular examples of behaviour will assist in bringing the point across. An effective feedback process is particularly important for the firm as it addresses the need to build relationships to not only increase the sharing of information, but also build loyalty and retention of people in the long term. ÃË Be a leader in my area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to delivering leadership results. To have a clear vision of where we are going. Focus my resources to achieve leadership objectives and strategies. Develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organizational barriers 14 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.3.2 Teamwork Skills To be a successful employee in the Premier Inn i have to improve m team work capabilities. To create a culture of teamwork will encourage collaboration, cooperation and sharing of information as well as empower individuals. Expectations as to teamwork need to be communicated; one of the benefits of introducing this culture is that leaders and managers model teamwork in their interaction with each other and the rest of the organisation. It can have a positive impact on work behaviour and ethics. A performance management system needs to emphasis teamwork and the impact on behaviours which will also need to be reflected by the rewards system. Collaboration through teamwork saves time and money as research efforts are not duplicated, issues can be resolved quicker and beneficial solutions and processes transferred which is a particular issue within the firm. Regular meetings to review project and progresses and to share work will assist in the implementation of the team work culture. Successes will need to be celebrated, by using communications channels such as the Premier Inn News for the firm. This will not only set a positive example for others but also make individuals feel valued and increase their motivation and loyalty. 3.3.3 Evaluation Analytical Skills Create a vision of where your area is going, together with supportive objectives and operational plans communicate regularly, making effective use of a range of different communication methods Develop a range of leadership styles and apply them to appropriate situations and people Give people in your area support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change Encourage people to take a lead in their own areas of expertise and show willingness to follow this lead Ownership To accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems and help others improve their effectiveness. Act like owners, treating the Companys assets as our own and behaving with the Companys long-term success in mind 15 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Passion for Winning Determined to be the best at doing what matters most Be a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo. To have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace Trust Respect our Premier Inn colleagues, customers and consumers, and treat them as we want to be treated. To have confidence in each others capabilities and intentions. Believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust. Integrity Always try to do the right thing. Be honest and straightforward with each other. Operate within the letter and spirit of the law. Uphold the values and principles of Premier Inn in every action and decision. Should data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks. 16 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Galileo Galilei founder Of Modern Experimental Science :: essays research papers
Galileo Galilei "founder of modern experimental science" Galileo Galilei was one of the most remarkable scientists ever. He discovered many new ideas and theories and introduced them to mankind. Galileo helped society as an Italian astronomer and physicist, but how did he come to be such a great and well-known scientist? It took hard work and patience.... Galileo was born during the renaissance in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. He was raised by his mom, Giulia Ammanati, and his dad, Vincenzo Galilei. His family had enough money for school, but they were not rich. When he was about seven years old, his family moved to Florence where he started his education. In 1581, his father sent him to the University of Pisa because he thought his son should be a doctor. For four years, he studied medicine and the different theories of the scientist Aristotle. He was not interested in medicine, but soon he became interested in math. In 1585, he convinced his father to let him leave the school without a degree. Galileo was a math tutor for the next four years in Florence. He spent a lot of the four years studying the scientific thoughts and philosophies of Aristotle. He also invented an instrument that could find the gravity of objects. This instrument, called a hydrostatic balance, was used by weighing the objects in water. Galileo returned to Pisa in 1589 and became a professor in math. He taught courses in astronomy at the University of Pisa, based on Ptolemy's theory that the sun and all of the planets move around the earth. Teaching these courses, he became more understanding of astronomy. In 1592, the University of Padua gave him a professorship in math. He stayed at that school for eighteen years. He learned and believed Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that all of the planets move around the sun, made a mechanical tool called a sector, explained the tides based on Copernican theory of motion of earth, found that the Milky Way was made up of many stars, and told people that machines cannot create power, they can only change it.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Exploring the Beauty of Flagstaff :: Personal Narratives Flagstaff Essays
Exploring the Beauty of Flagstaff I have always loved visiting Flagstaff for its beautiful atmosphere. Part of which makes Flagstaff so beautiful are the beautiful pine trees that make up the woods. Driving up from Tucson can be such a long drag, especially when all you see is desert. You really know when you finally hit Flagstaff, because the trees along I 17 start to get bigger. They are so beautiful as they stand tall and sway with the light breezes that pass by. The woods show the strength of Flagstaff as well as the beauty. They surround the city like children would surround their mothers. The woods of Flagstaff create the perfect atmosphere that will set your mood to a delightful state. To escape the reality of our busy world, the perfect place to sit and relax is in the middle of pine trees and listen to the soothing sounds of solitude. The first thing you want to do in Flagstaff is go outdoors and explore. There is so much that you shouldnââ¬â¢t pass up in the way of outdoor activities. You can go hiking on one of the many trails Flagstaff has to offer, or create your own journey. The best way to explore is to make your own path, but by being careful as to leave markers so you can find your way back. When you find a great place to enjoy the woods and explore, park you car, step out, and take a long deep breath of the fresh pine air. Once you fill your lungs up with fresh natural air you begin to wonder why you would ever go back to a busy intoxicated city again. Right away you feel calm and relaxed. There is something about the comforting green trees that stand so tall above you and make you realize how beautiful nature really is. As you decide on a place to sit down and soak up your surroundings, you come across a large rock that makes you feel like it was natureââ¬â¢s chair made especially for you.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Of MIce and Men: Curleyââ¬â¢s Wife Essay
Names have been an important facet of society for as long as Homo sapiens have existed. A name is defined as ââ¬Å"a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity. â⬠In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck teaches a lesson about the nature of human existence and shows how grim and isolated people become without hope. Steinbeck neglects to address Curleyââ¬â¢s wifeââ¬â¢s character by name in order to emphasize her position as a literary element and provide commentary on society in the time period during which he lived. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is never named because Steinbeck wished to emphasize the ubiquitous dislike of her throughout the farm. Whilst reading the novella, it is implied that no one on the farm likes Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. However, there isnââ¬â¢t necessarily a flaw in her personality from which this aversion to her stems. The characters avoid interaction with her because they fear retribution from her possessive, short-tempered husband. The men on the farm begin to foster hatred toward her because her constant need for attention puts their livelihoods in danger. The men canââ¬â¢t ever get too familiar with her because they are distanced by the fact that she is Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. Steinbeck constantly reminds the readers and the characters in the book of this fact by denying her a proper name. Second in the litany of reasons why Curleyââ¬â¢s wife remains unnamed throughout the entire novella is that Steinbeck wishes to superimpose over the entire story the idea that she was a possession of Curleyââ¬â¢s and not an independent entity. During the course of the novella, we run across multiple instances in which Curley is angered by even the idea of his wife consorting with other men, even in a platonic manner. As previously stated, Curley would even resort to firing men if he was unpleased with the way the interacted with his wife. The reader is able to draw a parallel between the way Curley treats and acts toward his wife and the way someone would act when dealing with an object of theirs. It is very clear that she is expected (by Curley and the other men, save Lennie) to obey Curley at all times. At the period in time in which the novella is set, women are expected to submit to their husband wordlessly and this is thoroughly explored in Of Mice and Men through Curley and his wifeââ¬â¢s relationship. The zeitgeist of 1937(the year in which the book was published) and its subsequent influence on literature written around that time period is another reason Curleyââ¬â¢s wife remains nameless. In that time, women were considered inferior to men and werenââ¬â¢t nearly as important in the public eye. One must remember when reading Of Mice and Men that the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote only became an addendum in 1920. The novella was set during The Great Depression a time during which women did not have the amount of authority in society as they do today. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife was used to depict women as troublemakers that disrupt the flow of life for men. Steinbeck failed to assign Curleyââ¬â¢s wife a name because it was acceptable at the time for women to be undermined and overlooked. By constantly referring to her as ââ¬Å"Curleyââ¬â¢s wifeâ⬠Steinbeck undermines her character as an independent person because she is forced to always be associated to Curley. With this ââ¬Å"minor oversightâ⬠Steinbeck was able to use her character in idiomatic ways to enhance his writing. As indicated previously, Steinbeck writes Curleyââ¬â¢s wife as a literary element to enhance the story as opposed to a character in the story. Almost humorously, one of the outcomes of refusing her a proper name (which I suspect was intentional) is that it caused the reader to direct more attention to her than anyone else in the story. Steinbeck is commonly known as an author who utilizes descriptions as a way to portray his characters. Curley is often mentioned as ââ¬Å"the bossââ¬â¢s son. â⬠Slim is introduced as the ââ¬Å"jerkline skinner. â⬠Crooks is solely referred to as ââ¬Å"the stable buckâ⬠or simply ââ¬Ëniggerââ¬â¢ until chapter 4. Despite the fact that all these characters have names, they are relatively miniscule parts of the story when push comes to shove, the nameless wife is the one who causes things to happen and mandates attention from every angle, be it real or fictitious (by which I mean from both readers and characters within the story). The most convincing reason yet as to why Curleyââ¬â¢s wife remains unnamed lays in something Steinbeck once said in an interview. Steinbeck described her character as a symbol. He was recorded to have said ââ¬Å"She has no function, except to be a foil ââ¬â and a danger to Lennie. â⬠She was the antagonist who provided the main characters something to be anxious about; she was the force that put up massive hurdles for the protagonists to overcome. A villain is defined as ââ¬Å"The person or thing responsible for specified trouble, harm, or damage. â⬠Inadvertently, such was the purpose of Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. It wasnââ¬â¢t her plan to end Lennieââ¬â¢s life. She simply pursued what she felt she deserved: male attention. Her need to fill this desire for attention became so intense that it ultimately caused tragedy. In conclusion, Curleyââ¬â¢s wife not being assigned a name was not just a mere oversight at the hands of John Steinbeck. She was an instrument used to undermine the position of women in society. Steinbeck purposefully left out her name in order to enhance his writing, and address issues during the time period in which he lived. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife was used to depict women as the ones who threatened the happiness and well-being of men. Denying Curleyââ¬â¢s wife a name was an integral part in the writing of Of Mice and Men. (c) Raquel Bracey, December 2012
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Why I Enjoy School
Although many people, including myself, say that they hate school, it is one of the most meaningful places in my life. When I say school, Iââ¬â¢m referring to Interlake High School (IHS). Yes of course school may be boring or hard but it has made me the person I am today. School is meaningful to me because of the friends and memories I have made, because it has made me the person I am today, and it is leading me to my future and who I will become. My absolute favorite part about school is the people. Through the 3 years that I have been at Interlake, I have made many friends. Some friends have come and gone, but nonetheless my friends are what make me look forward to coming to school every day. Before I came to Interlake, I was a student in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. I had gone to school with the same kids from kindergarten all the way up until 8th grade. Originally, Mt Si HS was supposed to be the high school that I was going to attend, but once I graduated from 8th grade my parents decided to transfer me to Interlake. Iââ¬â¢m glad they did this because the friends I have made at Interlake are 100 times better than any of the friends I ever had growing up in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. I cherish all the friends that I have made at Interlake because without them, I could be a completely different person right now. All together, friends are the number one reason why school is so meaningful to me. Another reason why school is meaningful to me is because it has made me the person I am today. In addition to my friends influencing my path is who I am today, I have also changed due to other acquaintances I have made, and some of the teachers at Interlake. One thing I love about some of the teachers at Interlake is how chill they are. Usually some teachers would try to be an authoritative force that controls the classroom, but certain teachers at Interlake make me feel comfortable in the environment that Iââ¬â¢m in and in return I am able to talk with them without being scared of what they may say. When talking to my teachers, some have told me when Iââ¬â¢m getting out of line or if Iââ¬â¢m changing in a negative way and it really helps me stay on track and not lose focus. What also helps me stay on track are some of the other people at Interlake. Certain individuals at Interlake are menaces to society, and are likely not going to have a very successful future. These individuals influence me on who I want to become because they provide a template on what I shouldnââ¬â¢t do. Even though many others including myself may dislike these individuals as people, I appreciate them for what they have taught me what not to do. Without Interlake HS and the people in it, I may be a completely different person. Lastly, Interlake high school is meaningful to me because it (in addition to college) is what is going to lead me into the rest of my life. In a nutshell, Interlake has given me an education. It didnââ¬â¢t just give me an average education, but a top tier education due to the fact that Interlake is one of the top schools in the state. Again, I was supposed to attend Mt Si high school, but instead I came to Interlake because the academics are at a much higher level than at Mt Si. This education I have acquired is what is going to lead me into the college I am going to. If I had gone to Mt Si, my grades could have been different which would have affected the college that I may get accepted to this upcoming winter and spring. Who is to say what would have happened, but I know in my heart that coming to Interlake has set me up for a better future than what I would have become if I had gone to Mt Si. Lastly, Interlake is meaningful to me because public school in America is free. I appreciate this because not all countries have such accessibility that America does in our schooling system. In conclusion, Interlake is meaningful to me because of the friends I have made, the things that have influenced me to become the person I am today, and because of how its going to influence my future. Without Interlake I could have had completely different friends, been a completely different person, and could have had a completely different future.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Health Care Management Essay
Roles and Functions Management is a major component in every organization. Management is ââ¬Å"the process of organizing, planning, controlling the use of resources, and leading to accomplish performance goalsâ⬠(Lombardi, Schermerhorn, & kramer, 2007, p. 5). Most managers follow similar roles and functions that help ensure that the organization flow is steady and business moves along smoothly. In the health care setting management have four major functions in which the managers facilitate so that workers can work toward common goals. All managers, regardless of level are responsible for the following functions: organizing the process of delegating, allowing, and coordinating, planning the process of determining actions, performance objectives, and decision maker. Controlling the process of comparing results, taking corrective actions, and gather and interpret work performance, and last leading the process of building commitments, encouraging activities that supports company goals, and fulfill and accomplish objectives. The four major functions has helped, organizations globally to achieve high performance goals and quotas. For most business, high productivity measures organizational success, and the managers are responsible for ensuring its achievement. In the organization in which I work, I witness all four of the functions used daily. My managers each day organize schedules to accommodate the senses. If the senses are low than the managers will have to cut the labor when mean send workers home earlier. I have witnessed my manager plan in ahead by adding extra people to schedule to ensure productivity. As we any organization there are workers who attempts to defy the organizations rules, but I have seen first had how the managers use function of control to restore order. Leading in the organization in that I work for is one in which I am leery about. Allow me to rephrase the leaders who manage my department are questionable. The leaders in this organization could be success but they do not have worked ethics about themselves, butà that is not the issue here. Applying these functions at the organization, which I am employed, if properly trained can enhance, the unity of the organization, the flow, and the line of communication. Health care management and leaders value a diversified workforce. Workforce diversity ââ¬Å"describes demographic differences among employees, principally differences in age, race, ethnicity, able-bodies, religious affiliation, and sexual orientationâ⬠(Lombardi, Schermerhorn, & kramer, 2007, p.5). The organization I work for is overwhelmingly cultural diverse and its enjoyable. Yet there are always barriers, such barriers as prejudice, including absurd notion of other associates who are unlike themselves. Its discrimination, and it can result in the glass ceiling affect it prevents the less likely and minorities from exceling. This is a horrible characteristic to have, but it happens way too often. The most significant aspect related to health care management that I hope to gain from taking this course better time management, and to develop leadership skills. I hope that I can be a manager who can empower associates and have a common goal. Reference Lombardi, D. J., Schermerhorn, J. R., & kramer, B. (2007). health care management: Tools an techniques for managing in a health care environment . Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
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