Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Post Modern Social Theory Essay
Basically, postmodernism emerged from the apparent issues and threats that were brought by the advanced period of the world. With most pieces of the world being affected by current hypothetical viewpoint like objectivity and logical tendency, the majority of the speculations that can be ordered under postmodernism can be characterized as an assault and analysis to the apparent issues of savants, humanist and even specialists to the truth that was made by innovation (Kellner, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Under the flag of postmodernism, we can see various scholars that had endeavored to break down the cutting edge world utilizing their postmodern displays. Among this mastermind are French logician and humanist jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman who figure out how to give a rich and prolific conversation on the talk of postmodernism and the social and sociological system of the advanced world. In this paper, two scholars will be placed in center. These two scholars are so crucial and significant in the postmodern talk that understanding their considerations and thoughts will empower us to see more the setting of postmodernism. Jean Baudrillard Much the same as any postmodernist scholars, the thoughts introduced by Jean Baudrillard can be described to be an endeavor to investigate the advanced sociological and social structure. Much of the time, he figured out how to give a talk through the correlation of present day handy and hypothetical framework and pre-current handy and hypothetical framework (I. e. systems during the modern unrest). A genuine model that is entirely remarkable is his origination of the worth framework. For Baudrillard, the cutting edge world had figured out how to give various methods of describing esteem. He named at any rate four worth frameworks that can describe a person or thing. The first is the useful worth which is comparable to the usefulness and instrumental utilization of the article. The subsequent one is the trade esteem which is the estimation of the article according to the monetary condition and financial feeling of assembling it. The third one is the representative worth which is corresponding to the relationship of the item to some individual or gathering of individual (e. g. jewel ring for engagement proposition). Ultimately is the sign worth which is the estimation of an item in a given set or arrangement of articles because of the thought or qualities that it might speak to (Baudrillard and Levin 132-133). As indicated by Baudrillard, the advanced present reality with all the items and things that are being created are empowering the development of another world framework that depends on the third and fourth sort of significant worth framework. This implies the greater part of the articles and items today base their qualities on a shallow worth framework. This is rather than the worth arrangement of times like the modern upset wherein things and articles are made and made out of usefulness and substance. This game plan of the advanced world that depends on triviality of significant worth is should be destructed soon because of the vacant air pocket that it makes that did not depend on people groups needs yet rather to people groups shallow convictions and wants. A thought likewise identified with the worth framework is Baudrillards thought on simulacra and reproduction. For him, what we have in the advanced world is a framework wherein we see things that are not so much genuine and vital. We are currently living in a world wherein we recognize things like heavenliness, titles, glory and different classifications which don't generally exist. It is practically identical to a hyper-reality wherein we are facing a daily reality such that we recognize references without genuine referents. A lot of our exercises are adding to the improvement of this Ësimulacra. As a rule, we ignore what is genuine and simply fit to live affected by this new and elective reality. Baudrillard contends this is to be sure a risky framework wherein we are experiencing our lives in this new reality and we are living what is genuinely genuine to spoil and be saved (Baudrillard, 50-51). Without a doubt, a lot of Baudrillards ways of thinking and reactions are should make us survey and reexamine the human condition. With his thoughts on shallow worth framework and simulacrum, we are being compelled to open ourselves and think outside what the general public instructed us to be. We are being educated by Baudrillard to see and consider things to be it is for us learn more in reality. Zygmunt Bauman Together with Baudrillard, Bauman, a Polish humanist had likewise given a prolific ground in the talk in advancement, culture and industrialism. Much the same as other postmodernist scholars, Bauman had offered an image of the cutting edge course of action of the advanced world. He contended that what we have now is a general public which favored individual opportunity as opposed to aggregate security. Preceding this framework is a course of action wherein people profoundly respects its control over nature, effectiveness, chain of command, rules and guideline. This is expected to make our reality more secure and increasingly secure. For Bauman, this is the portrayal of the strong innovation. In any case, individuals had seen that notwithstanding these useful endeavors to bring harmony, security and steadiness; there are bunches that can't simply be truly controlled. This gatherings or people which can't be controlled will be alluded as Ëstrangers. As a reaction, this strong type of innovation will later change to a fluid type of advancement. In this new type of advancement, what are progressively significant are the individual interest and the new degree of opportunity. Nonetheless, this new arrangements of attributes are made conceivable to the detriment of ideas like security (Bauman, Postmodernity and its Discontents, 130). In this new sort of advancement, various issues are emerging. Fundamentally, the exemplary establishments like school, government and even laws are currently losing its grasp to the individuals. The undertaking of discovering ones individual way is left to the individuals. Individuals are compelled to choose for their own objectives and activities which frequently bring disarray and disorder. The outsiders referenced before in the initial segment of the conversation are additionally encountering issues. Bauman for instance relates these hypothetical aliens to the Jews in the hour of the Holocaust. He contended that however social orders are being tempted with the suddenness and activities of the outsiders, they are simultaneously terrified of them in light of the fact that nobody comprehends what they will do straightaway. In this sense, the Jews are the outsiders of Europe. The Holocaust is the consequence of the dread to these Jews that is made conceivable with the fruitful ground gave by this new sort of advancement (Bauman, Intimations of postmodernity, 94). End One can't preclude the chronicled design from claiming cultural framework that exists in our reality. As one cultural course of action figured out how to rise and exist, another one will come to emerge out of its weaknesses and errors. As the cutting edge society figured out how to effectively tested before framework, for example, feudalism, postmodernism is additionally a reaction for the inadequacies of advancement. On the other hand, we can generally contend that postmodernism will improve the live that we have. In spite of the fact that we increase much from the cutting edge framework, we additionally lose a lot. The thoughts of postmodernism are an endeavor to fix our general public and to restore or recapture those utilitarian attributes that were dropped or eradicated in light of our work day to innovation. In spite of the fact that a few people can and may contend against this, one thing is without a doubt, the thoughts of postmodernism are allowing us a went for to improve our lives. Works Cited Aylesworth, Gary. Postmodernism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005 Baudrillard, Jean and Levin, Charles. For a study of the political economy of the sign. Telos Press, 1981 Baudrillard, Jean. Emblematic Exchange and Death. London: Sage, 1976/1993 Bauman, Zygmunt. Does Ethics get an Opportunity in a World of Consumes. Harvard University Press, 2009 Bauman, Zygmunt. Hints of Postmodernity. London: Routledge, 1992 Bauman, Zygmunt. Post Modernity and its Discontents. New York University Press, 1997 Kellner, Douglas. Jean Baudrillard. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007 Klages, Mary. Postmodernism. College of Colorado, 2003
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership - leadership versus followership Essay
Administration - authority versus followership - Essay Example Terrible Leader accepts that representatives working under him are essentially sluggish and the work, alloted to them, is tacky to them. They accept that individuals are propelled by cash. Pioneers with awful authority qualities ordinarily or wrongly expect that there must be point by point work schedules and authorized achievements to guarantee that each work completes. As per Allio, a terrible pioneer separated from bombing both expertly just as by and by, would destruct the associations and unfortunately the representatives and the investors A decent pioneer must be sufficiently extreme to win a battle, yet not intense enough to kick a man when he is down. They discover techniques to build the proprietors finance, empower alter in an inappropriate course as opposed to opposing it. Further they impact their subordinate in a negative instead of force them into a positive way. The Bad chiefs are degenerate, misinformed and have negligence for the partners. They carry unsavoriness to the association and are agonizing to the workers. Senior member B McFarlin and Paul D Sweeney in their book ââ¬Å"Where EGOS Dare-The Untold Truth about Narcissistic Leaders and how to Survive themâ⬠characterizes Narcissistic Leaders as the ones who are in a general sense, uncertain people who will want reverence and will act in a pessimistic manner to get worship, in the long run just getting adverse love. They remunerate by anticipating an expanded feeling of self-esteem and fitness to people around them. The following significant point brought by Allio up in the article is that, most pioneers start as visionaries having extraordinary standards to lead the association into high development. They display high trustworthiness and they take the correct way to hold the vision for what they had longed for to start with. In any case, the natural and asset requirements impacts optimism and they become functional and consider elective thoughts. They beginning of in a major manner however when their arrangements neglect to convey, they take wrong choices
Friday, August 21, 2020
The List List #57
The List List #57 This weeks List List is sponsored by Biographile. Love true stories about fascinating people? So do the folks at Biographile, a website dedicated to helping readers discover a rich mix of real lives through author interviews, news updates, reviews, essays, contests, and more. One of their latest QAs is an exclusive interview with the hilarious comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan, whose explosively funny memoir recounting the joys and horrors of raising five kids (in a two-bedroom apartment) is just out from Crown. _________________________ at The Hairpin, 10 Things That Happened While Reading THE WOMAN IN WHITE at Terrible Minds, 25 Things You Should Know About Outlining at Flavorwire, 10 Disappointing Film Adaptations of Classic American Novels at The Guardian, Top 10 Books About Burma at USA Todays Pop Candy, 25 Favorite Books from the Last 25 Years at PWxyz, 10 Biggest Book Adaptation Flops at Flavorwire, 15 Books You Should Definitely Not Read in Your 20s at The AV Club, 13 Surprising Celebrity Novels
The List List #57
The List List #57 This weeks List List is sponsored by Biographile. Love true stories about fascinating people? So do the folks at Biographile, a website dedicated to helping readers discover a rich mix of real lives through author interviews, news updates, reviews, essays, contests, and more. One of their latest QAs is an exclusive interview with the hilarious comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan, whose explosively funny memoir recounting the joys and horrors of raising five kids (in a two-bedroom apartment) is just out from Crown. _________________________ at The Hairpin, 10 Things That Happened While Reading THE WOMAN IN WHITE at Terrible Minds, 25 Things You Should Know About Outlining at Flavorwire, 10 Disappointing Film Adaptations of Classic American Novels at The Guardian, Top 10 Books About Burma at USA Todays Pop Candy, 25 Favorite Books from the Last 25 Years at PWxyz, 10 Biggest Book Adaptation Flops at Flavorwire, 15 Books You Should Definitely Not Read in Your 20s at The AV Club, 13 Surprising Celebrity Novels
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racism And Racism Essay - 1419 Words
Battleground: Stories of Violence and Discrimination The United States have been a divided country since the dawn of the Civil War due to conflicts of Slavery and freedom of African-Americans. Many historians speculate that the Civil War prompted the Civil Rights Movement that was led by African-American leaders, most noticeably Martin Luther King Jr. But, African-Americans believed that this movement did not create a strong impact towards society and continued to hear and suffer through oppression of white society. Throughout the film, racism and violence played a huge role and presented the gap between the regular lives of various African American peoples and community that are opposed. Director Spike Lee uses insulting diction andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦So since we spend so much money here, we do have some say.â⬠Sal ends up kicking him out. What happened in this scene reminds me of Martin Luther Kingââ¬â¢s letter from Birmingham Jail. King talks about signs in businesses that may be seen as racial. It shows how the o wner respects the fact how he is part of a more dominant race than minorities and having the pleasure of honoring those that made an impact in his culture and other aspects of sports would make him feel proud for himself and others. Dr. King mentions in the letter how anyone that is considered citizens in the United States would never feel the oppression and pressure that minorities suffered during the Civil Rights Movement. He explained how it can occur in any part of the system whether it would be in the justice system or society. A dominant workforce can limit the chances of providing a safe environment towards others. When the police came, one of the white police officers used his baton to choke Raheem to death which was unnecessary. His death lead to a riot in front of the restaurant and ultimately continued inside. With the death of Raheem and misuse of the Wall of Fame, it convinced Buggin Out and his friend to bring the restaurant down to its knees. Carmichaels explains about what policemen would afraid of shooting a black men since a man refuses to stand down and how he mentions black people that they would march to white communities against law enforcement. He statement that,Show MoreRelatedRacism And Racism Essay1620 Words à |à 7 Pagessubjected to acts of racism and other forms of discrimination. From foreigners in modern-day Germany becoming victims of human rights abuses such as beatings, verbal abuse, etc. by Neo-Nazis and teenage skinheads. To simply just observing another person wearing a t-s hirt of a rival football could still instill negative attitudes towards that particular person, even if there was zero social interaction to provide a justifiable impression. This leads to the focus of this essay. The insidious, non-consciousRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay971 Words à |à 4 PagesIs it racism or economics which hinders many African American communities from progressing economically in the 21st Century? This research proposal will address this question by examining the social and psychological impact caused by racism and the economic impact itââ¬â¢s had on the African American community. This proposal will further investigate whether the emotional scars of slavery continue to hamper African American progress or if racism is actually the cause. The economic cost of discriminationRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay718 Words à |à 3 PagesThe death penalty discriminates and marginalizes minorities and the poor in our society. Legal systems are unfair therefore the death penalty is imposed unfairly since equals are not treated equally. The richest man alive is not treated the same as a homeless individual on the streets of downtown Toronto. There are many flaws in the justice system mostly because it is made up of individuals and as individuals we are prone to making mistakes. Witnesses, prosecutors and jurors can create the smallestRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay986 Words à |à 4 Pagessimilarities between sexism and racism. Sexism occurs when a personââ¬â¢s gender or sex is used as the basis for discriminating. Females are more susceptible to sexism although males are also susceptible. Sexual harassment and rape are examples of extreme cases of sexism. Racism occurs when people of a particular race or ethnicity are di scriminated against or made to feel inferior. The primary outcome of the paper after comparison is to determine most dehumanizing act between racism and sexism. The first similarityRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay1448 Words à |à 6 PagesHow does stratification system take place in African American communities? Many minority Communities are subjected to racism and discrimination within/ outside their communities. The social prejudices on the black community gives an example of a caste system where you re born into unequal groups based on their parents (race), most likely born into poverty if a minority. ââ¬Å"Minority racial groups are more likely to experience multidimensional property than their white counterpartsâ⬠, due to historicalRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay1042 Words à |à 5 Pagesthat private development be the main focus as opposed to public housing and plans for the development were never instituted (Young 146-147). Moving into the next decade black Detroiters would be continuing to be faced with the historical legacies of racism and the social consequences that would become the propulsion for rebellion. Read MoreRacism And Racism Essay1350 Words à |à 6 PagesWhite privilege and acts of racism are just as pervasive on a college campus as in any other environment. Students of color may be treated differently in a classroom setting from their white counterparts, not because of who they are or how they behave but simply because of the color of their skin. Racism can be the assumption that of the two people in the classroom, the white one is the professor. It is the split-second conclusion that a Latino student with a tattoo is in a gang, but a white studentRead MoreRacism in Essays815 Words à |à 4 PagesRACISM IN ESSAYS Is an authorââ¬â¢s main purpose of writing only to entertain his readers? Authors sometimes use their literature to demonstrate their opinions about a certain issue. One of these topics may be racial and ethnic discrimination. We see how authors express their views about racism through the literatures ââ¬Å"Walk Well, My Brotherâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Lark Songâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Cowboys and Indiansâ⬠. In ââ¬Å"Walk Well, My Brotherâ⬠, Farley Mowat focuses on racism against the Eskimos in 1951. As the character of CharlieRead MoreRacism Essay1634 Words à |à 7 PagesFerrell Essay 3.1 Writing 121 Racism Changes Lives Racism is defined as views, practices, and actions reflecting the belief that human beings are divided into certain categories known as races and that these members share common attributes amongst one another. This definition causes a specific group or race to be less desirable, more desirable, inferior, or superior. The segregation between ethnicities have stirred many debates, battles, and controversy. Another issue that is related to racism wouldRead More Prejudice and Racism - No Racism in Heart of Darkness Essay1108 Words à |à 5 PagesNo Racism in Heart of Darkness à à à Chinua Achebe challenges Joseph Conrads novella depicting the looting of Africa, Heart of Darkness (1902) in his essay An Image of Africa (1975). Achebes is an indignant yet solidly rooted argument that brings the perspective of a celebrated African writer who chips away at the almost universal acceptance of the work as classic, and proclaims that Conrad had written a bloody racist book (Achebe 319). In her introduction in the Signet 1997 edition
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Breaking The Cycle Of Child Abuse - 1628 Words
Breaking the Cycle of Child Abuse Alyssa Salcido 4 November 2015 Childhood and Adolescent Development 3303 Dr. Gallik According to Pecora, Sanders, Wilson, English, Puckett Rudlang-Perman (2014), ââ¬Å"Every year in the USA, about 695,000 unique children are confirmed as victims of child maltreatment (US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Childrenââ¬â¢s Bureau 2011) (p. 321). Such startling statistics suggest that child abuse is not just a public health issue; it is an epidemic. However, research reveals that prevention is possible through a collaborative effort made by parents, schools, the government, social services, and theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These classes often provide necessary social, emotional, or financial support that will aid in coping with the stress and difficulties of having children. In addition, as cited by Pecora, Sanders, Wilson, English, Puckett Rudlang-Perman (2014), programs need to ââ¬Å"influence deeply ingrained caregiver cultural norms or values that may contribu te to child maltreatment.â⬠(Rodrà guez, et al. 2011) (p. 326). Another way to reduce the potential for abuse is for parents or caregivers to actually apply these skills in real life. For example, a parent can use the skills learned in classes or programs to manage their anger or learn how to be a more nurturing parent to their child. However, it is important to note that continued effort on the part of the caregiver is a must in order to prevent child abuse. On the other hand, there are many parents who are not at risk for abusing their children. And these parents believe that education is essential to its prevention. Parents can educate their children by teaching them the difference between right and wrong touch and the significance of body ownership. Additionally, and also just as important, parents can teach their children how to say no to a potential abuser. This dramatically decreases the chance that the child will targeted for abuse. Lastly, parents can teach their chi ldren about the importance of disclosing abuse to a trusted adult such as a school employee or counselor. (ââ¬Å"National Committee to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hrm and Ir Free Essays
Introduction ââ¬Å"Human Resources Managementâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Industrial relationsâ⬠has different concepts about the determination and functions of the both spheres. The essay deliberates the comparison and contrast on the key features of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in academic fields. Definitions of terms HRM and IR will be identified through the review of the origin and development of these two areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm and Ir or any similar topic only for you Order Now Moreover, I have pointed out the theoretical scope of the two subjects and key features of HRM and IR. Finally, there is comparison and contrast between given subjects through the historical retrospective and paper review. Definition of Industrial Relations Why donââ¬â¢t we mention the fact that Industrial Relations have become a subject of scientific analysis since the end of the nineteenth century, when Sidney and Beatrice Webb (1984) couple published their studies of the regulation of employment in Britain. According to Dale Yoder,â⬠industrial relationsâ⬠describe ââ¬Å"relationships between managements and employees or among employees and their organisations that characterise or grow out of employment. The study of industrial relations may therefore be described as a study of the institutions of job regulationâ⬠ââ¬â suggested Flanders (1965, 10). It is prevailed for a time is beyond satisfaction of the academic study at present. ââ¬Å"The view that IR is the study of processes of control over work relations, and among these processes, those involving coll ective worker organization and action are of particular concern is more adaptable to generalise specific and precisely for the subjectâ⬠. Hyman, 1975) Definition of Human Resource Management Progression of the Human relations movement in the USA was the key point of the HRM terminologyââ¬â¢s emergency. There have been a large amount of published studies investigating the definition of HRM in diverse standing and approaches, since the first British book on HRM published in the late 1980s, which was notably known as New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Storey 1989). Storey (1989) considers that HRM can be regarded as ââ¬Å"set of interrelated policies with an ideological and philosophical underpinningâ⬠. However, He determined HRM as a specific approach to employment management which aims to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of culture, structural and personnel techniques, which is a comprehensive understanding of HRM. Storey (2007). Sisson (1990) sees HRM of four aspects of employment practice: an integration of HR policies with business planning; a shift in responsibility for HR issues form personnel specialists to line managers; a shift from the collectivism of management and, finally, an emphasis on commitment has further understanding of HRM. Ackers (2003) provided a general term on the definition of HRM, ââ¬Å"HRM refers to all those activities associated with the management of work and people in firms and in other formal organisationsâ⬠. Basic Research Interest of Human Resource Management The emergence of courses and models in HRM in universities and colleges is related to the fact that two influential journals, Human Resource Management Journal, edited by Keith Sisson at Warwick University, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, edited by Michael Poole at Cardiff were launched in 1990. The amount of literature was increased. Among these papers two appreciable theories is predominant leading, Fombrun et al (1984) matching model and the Harvard framework. Matching model focused on the connection between organizational strategy and HRM, in the meanwhile Frombrun et al divided HRM into four integral parts ââ¬â selection, development, appraisal and reward stressing the significance of efficiency of work performance enhancement. (Marchington, 2005) On the other hand, the Harvard framework (Beer et al, 1985) involve six basic components with a broader expand from the inside out , that is, situational factors, stakeholder interests, policy choices, outcomes, long-term consequences and a feedback loop. However, neither of the models pays close attention to the respects of employment relationship. John Storeyââ¬â¢s (2007) model is worth considering framework in HRM studies. Four key elements are summarized as foundational structure of HRM, that is beliefs and assumptions, strategic qualities, critical role of managers and key levers which activate HRM as an essentially tool and techniques for use by practitioners. However, currently HR changes and extends its functions beyond simple administration and personnel management. This area is becoming one of the strategic and reactive activity in the management of both organizations and other bodies. Basic Theory of Industrial Relations Colling et al (2010) comment that ââ¬Å"Academic industrial relations is now outdatedâ⬠either the problem of the ââ¬Å"human factorâ⬠in work have all been solved, or they are better addressed by new approaches such as ââ¬Å"human resource managementâ⬠or ââ¬Å"organisational behaviourâ⬠ââ¬â¢, however, in the statement by the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), they strongly disagree the claim. BUIRA) During the initiative academic research in IR, predominant focus upon collective institutions and processes which embody trade unions, collective bargaining and strikes are the mainstream scope of IR study. Compared with the origin IR, modern IR emphasized on the experience of work, both individual and collective, and with all sources of the rules that govern the employment r elationship. Therefore, IR was widely regarded as having two major subdivisions within it. The first dealt with the management of labour, the second with collective bargaining and methods of workforce governance (Russell Sage Foundation, 1919). It should be pointed out, that industrial relations today are in ââ¬Å"crisisâ⬠. In academia, its traditional positions are threatened on one side by the dominance of mainstream economics and organizational behaviour, and on the other by postmodernism. The importance of work, however, is stronger than ever, and the lessons of industrial relations remain vital. Purcell) Comparison and contrast of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations The interrelation between HRM and IR is complicated. From the one sight, HRM was considered as one of the branch of IR in the early 1960s for majority of scientists, then in modern conditions HRM has largely been regarded as a separate subject underlying distinguish perspectives and divergent points of the field. However, HRM and IR do have some parallels and common ground in employmen t issues, concerns about personnel and departments and humane labour. From the above, it can be concluded that to a large extent HRM has an ââ¬Å"insideâ⬠view of the problem according to the employment, highlighting and labour issues. While IR takes an ââ¬Å"externalâ⬠prospective with an emphasis on workers and communities. The purpose and functions are not one and the same for the two spheres. The main purpose of personnel management is an organizational effectiveness using an instrumental approach to the promotion of employees nd interest. As for the IR, the goal ââ¬Å"is a combination of organizational performance and employee well-being, as well as the workersââ¬â¢ interest priorities. Generally, IR provides a multi-layer discernment of employment relationships and interconnections between the workplace, the company, the sector, the national regulatory framework in the light of multi-disciplinary approach involving sociology, political science, economics, history and law. HR assumes conflict not inevitable and can be minimized by management; IR sees conflicts as inevitable requiring third-party intervention. HRM and IR are distinguished in various respects with different standpoints and approaches. (Sisson) Frequently, HRM teaching accepts managementââ¬â¢s objectives uncritically, concentrates on activities at company level without exploring the societal and institutional environment, and has its disciplinary basis primarily in psychology and organizational sociology rather than the social sciences more broadly. Despite of the inevitable irreconcilable antagonisms between the two subjects, there is a closely link of HR and IR providing a complementary foundation of the exchange and development of the employment issues. (Ackers) Conclusion The essay discusses the definition of HRM and IR and significant features in academic fields largely through an historical analysis of the two fieldsââ¬â¢ respective origins and development. HRM and IR fields are distinguished by numerous differences in their approach to research and practice. Reference Ackers, P. and Willkinson, A. 2003. Understanding Work and Employment, Oxford University Press Bach, S(ed), 2005, Managing Human Resources, 4th edition, Balckwell Publishing Boxall, P and Purcell, J, 2008, Strategy and HRM, 2nd edition, Palgrave Bruce E. K, 2001,Human resources and industrial relations Commonalities and differences, Human Resource Review, 11(2001) 339-374 BUIRA 2008. Whatââ¬â¢s the point of Industrial Relations? A statement by the British Universities Industrial Relations Association Colling, T. and Terry, M. 2010. Work , the employment relationship and the field of Industrial Relationsââ¬â¢, in Colling, T and Terry, M (eds), Industrial Relations: theory and practice (3rd ed), Chinchester:Wiley, 3-25 Guest, D. (1987) ââ¬ËHuman resource management and industrial relationsââ¬â¢, Journal of Management Studies, 24(5), September: 503-521 Hyman, R. 1975. A Marxist Introduction to Industrial Relations. Basingsotoke: MacMillan. Paul Edwards edit , Industrial Rela tions Theory Practice in Britain, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1995 Marchington. M and Wikinson. A, 2005, Human Resource at work, 3th editon, CIPD, London Miller, P. 1987) ââ¬ËStrategic industrial relations and human resource management ââ¬â distinction, definition and recognitionââ¬â¢, Journal of Management Studies, 24(4) July:347-361 Sisson, K. (1990) ââ¬ËIntroducing the Human Resource Management Journalââ¬â¢, Human Resource Management Journal, 1(1):1-11 Sisson K. ââ¬Å"In Search of HRMâ⬠, op. cit. at 209 Strorey, J(ed), 2007, HRM : A critical text. 3rd edition, Routledge Redman, T . Wilkinson. A, 2001, Contemporary Human Resource Management, Financial Times Yoder Dale, 1948, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. 3rd edition, New York, Prentice-Hall,Inc. How to cite Hrm and Ir, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Important Role of Management Research-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyse the role of the Practitioner-Researcher in Business Organisations by Comparing three Management research studies included in this unit. These examples demonstrate the value of Management Research and its Practical Application. Answer: Management and Business Research Management research plays an important role in decision making processes related to any type of business. It is essential as it enables a person to make better decisions because he or she is aware of the various intricacies and concepts that are a part of managing a business. Businesses succeed or fail based on the decisions taken by these people in the organization(Nassar 2016). A common theme among all the three readings is that they assume that international projects are aimed to principally benefit organizations that send expatriates. However, the expatriate in itself does not have the same goals as the organizations themselves. The expatriate is found to have personal interests such as career growth in addition to other personal interests as well. Another key focus area common to all the three examples is that they focus on cross cultural training practices for all expatriates. Cross cultural training promotes self-confidence in individuals and teams through empowering them with a sense of control(Johnson 2016). The three examples are also different from each other in that their central focus happens to be at three completely different things. The first one tries to view career implications from a international point of view. The second one focuses a lot more on the host country while the third one is very specific in its discussion about western and Nigerian expatriates. A manager will probably not find all the three examples to be of equal value. This is due to the fact that all the three examples differ from each other in their way of data collection as well as the comprehensiveness to the readers. References Johnson, G. (2016), The Importance of Cross Cultural Training, Available at [Accessed 27 November 2017] Nassar, A. (2016), The importance of research in an organization., Available at[Accessed 27 November 2017]
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation Essay Example
The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation Paper The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation In 1534, when Henry VIII decided to separate England from Rome, he did so for both political and personal reasons. We can identify Henryââ¬â¢s political reasoning because he wanted to consolidate his power as King. His personal reasoning is simply that he wanted to secure an heir to the throne. I am focusing on the political reasoning for this paper. At that time, Henry was deciding to separate England from Rome, public opinion viewed the Churchââ¬â¢s representation as worldly, corrupt and immoral. The Popeââ¬â¢s power was used for personal advantage and benefit not for the spiritual development of the people or country but for the benefit of the higher clergy. Lower clergy was leading a life of misery and poverty, while the higher clergymen lived a life of wealth and pleasure. With all of these discontentment and resentment, it was an optimum time for Henry to make his change. Using the peopleââ¬â¢s resentment and cry for change, Henry VIII boldly took major steps to put an end to growing power of the church and consolidate his power. He took necessary steps to limit the power of the clergy in the English church by destroying monasteries and enacting laws that were to be followed by the church authorities. The substance of these laws mandated that a priest could be associated with a single church only and that the Pope was to be elected by the clergy who were nominated by the King. In the end, the English church was separated from the Roman church and the communities of Christians were split into two camps: the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. The Henrician Reformation is characterized by the monarchy and the Church of England being fundamentally reshaped. I believe that this reshaping was distinguished by two categories: (1) Act of Supremacy; and (2) The dissolution of the monasteries. I. Act of Supremacy Henry VIIIs plan for Reformation was made clear through the Act of Supremacy. Henry saw himself as a godly reformer, a king who answered directly to God. This notion became deeply rooted in Henryââ¬â¢s kingship, where it became a part of his identity and reinforced by the imagery surrounding him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Characteristics of the Henrician Reformation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He sees himself as the king who had banished corruption from the Church and restored the truth of the Bible. [1] Henry set about reforming the Church that had come under his jurisdiction. The Act of Supremacy is one of the crucial key in Henrician Reformation as well as his plans for monastic dissolution. After all, he was the King of England and as King, he was the head of the church. As the head of the Church, he has all authority to make all decisions regarding the Church and religious matters. 2] In Henryââ¬â¢s view, how could someone governs a part of your realm that is not higher than you or God? In 1530, Henry instructed his representative in Rome to advise the pope that the royal person was not only prince and king, but set on such a pinnacle of dignity that we know no superior on earth. â⬠[3] ââ¬Å"For Henry, the Royal Supremacy was as much about the King as it was about God and questions of doctrine and church tradition were inseparable from an understanding of his divinely-ordained kingship. [4] Henry intertwined his views of Royal Supremacy with his religious belief by attending Mass on a daily basis, celebrating holy days and participating in other parts of his religion. If Henry was to be the head of the church as king, he had to be a godly king because his success was dependent on his divineness as the head of the English church. So to maintain his divineness, Henry had to dissolve the monasteries. This was crucial since the religious houses were loyal to the papal authority and this loyalty had to be crushed in order to drown out all foreign influence. Further, dissolving the monasteries was an act that clearly exercised the kind of authority Henry VIII bestowed upon himself through the Act of Supremacy. The type of control Henry desired was made to manifest through the dissolution of the monasteries, and any attempt to defy him was crushed mercilessly. Since Henryââ¬â¢s basis for his Supremacy was based upon the Bible, it was necessary that every parish church have an English Bible. In 1537, the English Bible was published under sanction of the government and allowed to be freely distributed. Although, Henry VIII had no real interest in the English people studying the Bible, it was another way for Henry to promote English nationalism and ensure that English church would no longer be relying on the Roman Latin Bible. II. The Dissolution of the Monasteries One of the key features in the Henrician Reformation was the attack on the monasteries known as the ââ¬Å"the dissolution of the monasteriesâ⬠. To Henry, the monasteries were seen as another evidence of Papal authority in England and Henry VIII was not going to tolerate it. Henry knew that monasteries were likely to bear allegiance to Rome, so he abolished them. Another factor that played in the abolishment of the monasteries was greed. [5] Since Henry VIII naturally assumed that these monasteries would remain loyal to the Pope, he cleverly used several key pieces of enactments that were introduced to end any evidence of the Popeââ¬â¢s authority. Legislations such as Act of First Fruits and Tenths of 1534, Valor Ecclesiaticus of 1535 and Dr. Thomas Layton and Mr. Richard Leigh, the crownââ¬â¢s investigative dynamic duo, whose letters concerning the monastic houses, known as the Compendium Compertorum, gave Henry his sovereignty ability to act. Starting very small, Henry VIII took steps against the power of the Church in 1538. To avoid too much outcry, Henry started on the less powerful houses and confiscated their property making their buildings unsuitable to use. He then he focused on the monasteries that were rich. Some were sold to wealthy gentry as country estates and others became building materials for local inhabitants. The key point to this was that not only did it serve Henry VIIIââ¬â¢s self-interest but a lot of the wealth involved found its way back to the royal treasury. How did it affect the clergy? Not much because most of the clerics themselves believed it was time for a change. The only realy difference is that they thought that the wealth ascertained by the closing of these monasteries should have gone to charity or educational program. Greed always played a factor when dealing with politics or religion. Henry wanted money, Parliament wanted the money, gentry saw a way to increase their holdings and the merchant middle class saw a chance to become landed gentry themselves. So who profited the most with all of the dissolution of the monasteries? The new class of gentry who bought the lands benefitted the most. [6] The control and dismantling of the monasteries was so severe that there was no other economic base to compete with the new class of gentry. The real sadness is that numerous priceless manuscripts were destroyed in the process. CONCLUSION Within the Henrician Reformation, there were many events that contributed its formulation but the Act of Supremacy and dissolution of Monasteries were the key events that allowed Henry VIII to consolidate his power and establish himself as the head of the English Church. As we look back and evaluate his attitudes and policies as he pursued his self-interest by dismantling the control of the Roman Catholicââ¬â¢s influence on the English church, while not abandoning his religious beliefs, it clearly show that Henry was looking for a middle ground between Protestant and Catholic. What he really wanted was a church with a medieval model as respects constitution and doctrine, but an English sovereign for its supreme head in place of the Pope. Basically, what he wanted was a Catholic church without the pope. Still, as Henry VIII acquired more power by eliminating monasticism, he took over a lot of ecclesiastical property. He gave properties to the lesser nobility to appease them and win their support. Without such complete sovereignty, dissolving the religious houses would not have been possible. No matter what his political motives were, it is very clear, that Henry changed the established religion in England. WORK CITED Ban, Joseph D. ââ¬Å"English Reformation: Product of King or Minister? â⬠Church History, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun. , 1972), pp. 186-197. Ryrie, Alec. The Age of Reformation: The Tudor and Stewart Realms 1485-1603. Harlow: Pearson, 2009. Wooding, Lucy. ââ¬Å"Henry VIII and Religionâ⬠. History Review, Dec 2008, Issue 62, p42-47. [1] Wooding, Lucy. Henry VIII and Religion. History Review, Dec 2008, Issue 62, p 45. [2] Alec Ryrie, The Age of Reformation: The Tudor and Stewart Realms 1485-1603. Harlow: Pearson, 2009, p. 128. [3] Ban, Joseph D. , English Reformation: Product of King or Minister? Church History, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun. , 1972), pp. 186-197 [4] Wooding, at 47. [5] Ryrie, pp. 134-135. [6] Ryrie, p. 131.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer Essays
Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer Essays Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer Essay Case study of bipolar disorder sufferer Essay Peoples with bipolar upset have extreme temper swings ( symptoms ) . They can travel from feeling as if they are on top of the universe, overactive, originative, and grandiose- passion to experiencing really sad, despairing, helpless, worthless, and hopeless -depression. This disease is called bipolar upset because the temper of a individual with bipolar upset can jump between two wholly opposite poles, euphoric felicity and utmost unhappiness. The extremes of temper normally occur in rhythms, in between these temper swings, people with bipolar upset are able to work usually, keep a occupation, and have a normal household life. The episodes of temper swings tend to go closer together with age. When a individual is in the clasp of this disease, pandemonium can happen. Bipolar upset can do major break of household and fundss, loss of occupation, and matrimonial jobs. In Jim s instance he becomes wholly dependent of his parents. Because of the extreme and hazardous behavior that goes with bipolar upset, it is really of import that the upset be identified. With proper and early diagnosing, this mental status can be treated. Bipolar upset is a long-run unwellness that will necessitate proper direction for the continuance of a individual s life. Jim is in his mid fifths and he still live with his parents, whose are in their late 1970ss. He is the lone kid and his parents overprotect him over the old ages owing to that he became wholly de-skilled, dis-empowered and entire dependent. He is non able to negociate and he was non included in household treatments to demo his sentiment. The lone manner that he has to demo that he is non happy is by shouting and shouting. Jim decidedly besides suffers from Eternal kid syndrome, besides know as Peter Pan syndrome, and is to fault his parents who been treated him like a kid all his life. Psychologists warn that overprotective parents can be responsible for this upset as this prevents them from developing necessary accomplishments to face life. Jim chronologically grows older but in truth he has non grown up. Like Peter Pan he breaks social norms to function their ain intents and do non care much for the feelings and rights of his parents. He wants all the power but is non willing to portion the duties, non ready to give and reject moral constructions which are portion of mature maturity. As the World Health Organization has non yet recognized Peter Pan Syndrome as a psychological upset, the syndrome is non presently considered a abnormal psychology. Psychologists make a clear differentiation between Peter Pan Syndrome and other, more serious, mental conditions affecting grownups who behave as kids both emotionally and mentally. This is because it is frequently found that people enduring from Peter Pan Syndrome are mentally to the full developed grownups who frequently carry professional activities necessitating strong rational accomplishments. This syndrome is frequently associated with self-love, although non in a negative manner, egoistic sense. They are attracted to self-contemplation in an effort to happen that inventive comfort inside their ain heads. On a positive sense this feature is seen as being in touch with the unchecked imaginational freedom of childhood. While yielding to the prescribed order of things, most people forget all that they knew as an idealistic kid, the ageless kid is able to pull from their ain altogether, originative energy to remind us of how colourful life truly is. Work forces enduring from the Peter Pan Syndrome display the undermentioned traits in their relationship with parents: Are obsessed with their female parents Have estranged relationship with the male parent They believe that it is non possible to obtain the male parent s love and blessing They have trouble interacting with figures of authorization Are non mature emotionally Exhibit silly behavior Hide their interior insecurity with butch attitude Males diagnosed with holding this syndrome were found to exhibit the undermentioned psychological traits: Either exaggerated or paralytic emotions Anger taking utmost signifier of fury Joy turning into craze Disappointment grows and develops into depression or self-pity As a consequence males diagnosed with this syndrome find it hard to show love, garbage to portion feelings, experience guilty and have trouble relaxing. Work force with Peter Pan Syndrome find it hard to do echt friends and as a consequence feel urgently entirely. They do nt experience regretful for inappropriate actions but blame others for their defect. Males diagnosed with holding this syndrome were found to exhibit the undermentioned psychological traits: Either exaggerated or paralytic emotions Anger taking utmost signifier of fury Joy turning into craze Disappointment grows and develops into depression or self-pity As a consequence males diagnosed with this syndrome find it hard to show love, garbage to portion feelings, experience guilty and have trouble relaxing and happen hard to do echt friends and as a consequence feel urgently entirely. This has a immense impact in Jim s parents who are happening hard to get by with all this affairs, particularly in during the winter. They are bit by bit worried about their ability to get by and what will go on with Jim when they die. They might experience a host of emotions: hurt, exposure, choler, guilt and, certainly they likely are exhausted. As an informal carer for several old ages, Jim s parents revolved all their life on him, they devoted all their unrecorded to him. Like Jim who does non has friends ( apart organize his parent s friends ) , some people that experienced the same status as him by and large have a really limited societal web every bit good, and usually the people that they interact are chiefly informal callings . 4 First of all Jim s parents have take him to GP and if he is diagnosed with bipolar upset, the GP will mention him to a head-shrinker ( a medically qualified mental wellness specializer ) , clinical psychologist and /or CPN. At his assignment he will be given an appraisal. The head-shrinker will inquire him a figure of inquiries to find whether or non he has bipolar upset and, if he has, what interventions will be most suited for you. He will be asked about his symptoms and when he foremost experienced them. The head-shrinker will besides inquire him, approximately how he, normally feel taking up to, and during, an episode of passion, or depression, and whether he has had ideas about harming yourself or others. The head-shrinker will besides desire to happen out about his medical background and his household history in order to find whether any of your relations has had bipolar upset. If person else in his household had the status, the head-shrinker may wish to speak to them. After the appraisal the head-shrinker will order the right drugs and refer him to a clinical psychologist. Psychotherapists work with persons, twosomes, households and groups to assist them get the better of a scope of psychological and emotional issues. With the client as an active participant, clinical psychologists use personal intervention programs and a assortment of non-medical-based interventions to: address the client s thought procedures, feelings and behavior ; understand inner struggles ; happen new ways to cover with, and alleviate, hurt They take a assortment of attacks harmonizing to the theoretical theoretical accounts they adopt and the therapy they pattern. These talking therapies include: cognitive behavioral therapies ; psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies ; humanistic and integrative psychotherapeuticss ; systemic therapies ; hypno-psychotherapy ; experiential constructivist therapies. Community Psychiatric nurses ( CPNs ) would be helpful to Jim as they can see him in his new house and supply him back up through the hard periods of his unwellness, they besides will see him when is good to look into that everything is all right and be the first point of contact if he becomes unwell once more. The CPN will assist Jim with his medicine and do certain that he understands what he should be taking and when. They besides help patient s household ( in this instance Jim s parents ) and callings understand and cope with the unwellness. Jim and his parents would profit of Occupational healers ( OTs ) every bit good. An occupational healer can hold many different functions. They will assist Jim and his parents ( when he moves out of his parents house ) to accommodate to the new environment and to get by with their day-to-day life.OTs may work in infirmaries or in the community. They supervise and assess a individual s ability to look after themselves, e.g. self-care, cookery and housekeeping, I would wish point out that Jim does non cognize how to cook, clean or make his wash. . OTs work with both persons and groups. They can put ends for persons with depression to promote them to accomplish more than they have been able to make while ailment. They might acquire patients involved in specific job-related preparation strategies to better their determination devising and planning about the hereafter. Group work is frequently aimed at increasing people s societal interactions. OTs may utilize many different types of ther apy on an person or group footing, including cognitive behavioral therapy and art and music therapy. They may besides be involved in supplying relaxation preparation to patients referred to them by the mental wellness squad or GPs. Social workers are employed by societal services instead than the wellness service. However, most mental wellness societal workers are based in multidisciplinary community mental wellness squads. Social workers may see patients referred to the squad by GPs. They are likely to be involved if patients have societal jobs, such as lodging, money and work. They may supply reding and advice or more specific therapies. They may command entree to some services such as twenty-four hours Centres, reprieve attention, residential attention and other community support services, eg place aid. A societal worker will besides supply Jim a supported occupancy service which will assist and learn him how to derive his independency and better his quality of life.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion - Assignment Example This strategy shows that the company is socially responsible. Another demographic group that the firm warns should not smoke its product is pregnant women. Once again the label of the cigarette box states that cigarette smoking is dangerous for women that are pregnant. These two packaging warnings are examples of how Phillip Morris has adapted to the social cultural environmental force. The demographic target market of Phillip Morris is smokers between the ages of 18-35 years of age. The creation of the Marlboro Man is an example of character that was created by the company to adapt to the social cultural force by creating a character the common person could relate too. These smokers are more receptive to changes of brand. Older smokers tend to purchase the same brand of cigarettes every day. It is important for cigarette companies such as Phillip Morris to achieve customer retention due to the fact a daily smoker that stays with your company and purchases a daily box at $6 generates $2,190 in retail sales yearly. Older smokers are important as well and the firm should show appreciation for their business. In the future the company may make further cultural adaptations to comply with the needs of different cultures
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Marketing - The movie ' Valentines Day ' Term Paper
Marketing - The movie ' Valentines Day ' - Term Paper Example It is the sheer ingenuity of these marketing and promotional campaigns that sell the movies regardless of how critics evaluate them. This is best accentuated by the example of the release and eventual success of the movie ââ¬ËValentineââ¬â¢s Dayââ¬â¢ which immediately stormed up to the top of the charts and made millions of dollars despite the fact that the movie failed to offer a plot that was anything beyond appalling and was popularly disparaged by critics. Not only the gist is vague, the movie has also been criticized for being loaded with offensive, controversial and questionable content (Goodwyn). However, it managed to achieve the number one rating when it opened and caused quite a stir in the box office. The movie was marketed with the obvious yet the most selling strategy of being tied with a major and popular holiday. To title the film after Valentineââ¬â¢s Day is a very calculated effort to capitalize on the emotions that are elicited around this holiday and at the same time to target an audience for whom the movie becomes a prime attraction on this very particular day just because of its name as it is a perfect present as well as a ââ¬Ëgoing-outââ¬â¢ event. Lucy Fisher captures this is a very sleek manner when she comments that "People are prodded to buy something for the occasion, and in this case, its a movie ticket.. it doesnt matter about the qualityâ⬠(Hare, 2010). Not only that, it a clever ploy to target women who are lured into the trap of saccharine love stories, cute stuff toys, red roses and the fever of the holiday. It is in this way that the movie self-advertises itself by its name enough to drive hundreds and hundreds of love-struck couples of all age s, young group of friends or even those lonely ones who need an exciting event towards the path that leads to the theaters. Even if the movie is perceived to be of poor
Monday, January 27, 2020
Analysing The Effect Of Mobile Phones
Analysing The Effect Of Mobile Phones Mobile phones has always been one of the most important and great devices of all times. Martin cooper, the cell phones inventor has changed the world in both positive and negative sides in different life matters. The effect of Mobile phones has reached every single person in the universe, Professors and doctors knew that there will be a huge change in the societies after this great invention; however, they never expected that mobile phone will make a new world with a lot of new advantages but also some disadvantages. Nowadays, Mobile phones are affecting the infrastructure of this world or Students in other words in all life matters, Mobile phones became a big part of students life. As they are considered one of the society categories, you should expect that the effect of the mobile phones has played an important part in their daily life. Therefore, they need it to communicate with each other in terms of their many studies matters. Talking about how good or bad is the mobile phones r eflection on students life, health and also results can open an endless discussions, full of different ideas and thoughts, Some might say yes mobile phones has built a new wide vision for students and also their colleges and universities so everything can be done way faster and easier than before; for example, Students in old days when there was nothing called a cell phone had to write everything wrote or presented on the board ,while it is much easier and faster now with mobile phones cameras, It would not take more than five seconds to capture a clear detailed photo. Some say Wow how can people live without a Bluetooth in their cell phones!? Yes, those who think that mobile phones is a big part of students life have another strong thick point that supports their idea, photos and files can be delivered from a mobile phone to another or from a mobile phone to a pc in no time! So Students can share their notes, Lab pictures and videos easily. In addition, Mobile phones provide a grea t way of communication, which is the most important advantage you can use. Students now became closer to each other due to the amazing technology that mobile phones offer, It made things easier for students in many different study aspects, meetings are now conducted with one single SMS; also, they can reach their lecturers during their consolation hours even if the student was too busy to meet his/her lecturer. In case on emergency, Mobile phones can be very useful as they allow Students to deal with emergency cases; for example, one group member was late to an essential presentation, in this case the leader can contact him easily, or during a sport activity in the campus someone was badly injured so; thus, his friends can call the ambulance to avoid any Complications. Despite the huge amount of advantages, there has to be some disadvantages as well. Some people go against the fact that Mobile phones is a must in students life given that it has direct and indirect influences which m ay affect the students health and effort. For instance, the mobile waves can destroy our brain cells and cause disease like brain cancer. Besides, it can be addictive in a way that can drag the student not to pay attention in his class which may disturb other students in the class. Also, some students might use the phone camera in offensive matters that create tension among the students which will affect their output and productivity. In this report we are going to put a literature review which will provide this report with rich information which and that will guide us to better results. One more important section will be the findings part, which will come before the conclusion to allow the readers to know our final view after doing this report. Moreover, we are going to study the fact that mobile phones is very important for students; for that, we are going to list the results that we came out with from our questionnaire. Least but not last, we will summarize the results and outcom es attached with some recommendations to provide a better understanding for the readers, and also to cover all the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phones to students that has been mentioned in all the report. Literature Review Mobile phones and wireless technologies are a well known part in the lives of many teachers and students in Multimedia University today. This technology has provided us with a very fast and quick access too many information and also not to forget that that with the help of these technologies we can talk to our friends by calling them or sending a text message or an Email. The world is going towards technologies and everyone is seeking towards what makes his life easier, for that reason we see people caring mobile phones, because it gives them a quick way to communicate with each other. These devices which can fits in our pockets are very powerful tools because it provides us with a variety of information sources and it enables us to communicate almost anytime and everywhere. Seeking for communication and information is the main reason why students are using mobile phones. This review provides us with the main reasons and effects of mobile phones to the students of Multimedia University. A recent study shows to what extend did mobile culture penetrate college classrooms, Fried (2008) had students complete a weekly survey, throughout a whole semester, related to the ways they used laptops and mobiles is a psychology course (n=128). The course was based on lectures with no laptop or mobile activities utilized in any organized fashion by the lecturer. About 64% of the students reported using their laptops and mobiles at least during one class period. Those who used laptops used them, on average, about half of the class period. Users reported that about 50% of the time they used the laptops it was for non-academic activities. In other words, close to 25% of the lecture time was spent by students, using their laptops to do other things then taking lecture notes. Similarly, in a large survey (n=1,162) conducted among American college students, one third of the students surveyed admitted using their laptops and cell phones playing games that were not part of the instructional activities during classes. There is a long tradition in cognitive science studies that demonstrate that human mental resources are limited and that there is a performance decrement under divided attention conditions (Roda Thomas, 2006; Gopher, 1993; Kahneman, 1973; Craik Lockhart, 1972; Posner, 1982). However, one might suggest that current students are digital natives, who are savvy and efficient multitaskers, thus their academic performance shouldnt necessarily be compromised by using laptops and mobiles during lectures. A study conducted by Hembrooke and Gay (2003) tried to address such claims. The study took advantage of a project where all students were issued laptops. Students (n=44) were randomly assigned, during a communication course class, to two experimental conditions: an open laptop vs. a closed laptop. At the end of the class students took a recognition and recall quiz. The closed laptop condition outperformed the open laptop one. Moreover, students who used their laptops to look for lecture re lated materials did not do better than their friends who used the laptops for non-academic purposes. Fried (2008) reports similar results she found a negative correlation between the amount of time students reported using their laptops during the psychology lectures throughout the semester and their final grade. Moreover, when asked, at the end of the course, what were the factors that might have interfered with their ability to learn lecture materials laptop use by fellow students was the single most reported distracter, followed by the interference caused by ones own laptop use. Hembrooke and Gays (2003) and Frieds (2008) studies suggest, therefore, that laptop multitaskers pay an academic price for their use to these technologies. The claim that laptops distract students and impair their academic performance refers to classrooms where laptop activity is not directly relevant to academic needs. Obviously, when laptop activities are pedagogically integrated into the course, for in stance, when communication between students is required in a web-based collaborative activity laptops could provide enormous advantages. Under such circumstances there is evidence that laptop and mobile activities can increase engagement, active learning and meaningful interaction among students and between them and the instructor (e.g., Driver, 2002; Barak et al., 2006; Demb et al., 2004; Gay et al. 2001). Decrease in academic performance due to off-task multitasking refers, therefore, mainly to non-structured use of laptops and mobiles during lectures. Resent study with the same interests from Holon Institute of Technology about the use of mobile appliances during lectures, Ronen Hammer (2010) Most of the students who own laptops (91%) reported that they use them during classes for activities that are not related to the lesson, while 25% said that they always do so. The distribution of the activities is presented in Table 1. It seems that instructors have a realistic and accurate perception of the activity carried out by students with the mobile devices during their lectures (Table 1). Students too believe that the instructors are usually aware of what they are doing with their computers (17% always, 77% sometimes). As to cell phones: most of the student (93%) report that their cell phones are on quiet mode 6% leave them open and less than one percent completely shut down ! This behavior might not be surprising when compared to their behavior when attending a public show (movie or theater): none would leave it open (not socially accepted) but only five percents would shut it down completely (fear of not being connected). Most students (83%) state that they try to hide their activity with the cell phone from the instructor. About half of the students (46%) state that they would answer calls that are not urgent and when doing so they leave the class (94%). Students state that they use their portable devices for other, non related activities when they are bored (portable computer 97%, cell phone 74%). Students and Instructors Views: The main paradox surfaces from the data presented in Table 2. Students and instructors views on the harmful effects of using portable computers for other activities during lessons seem to be quite similar. Nevertheless, their attitude regarding the legitimacy of such action is very different. There seems to be a clear relation between students age and their views on the issue of legitimacy of using portable devices during lectures for non-academic purposes. The correlation between views regarding legitimacy and age found for cell phones was significant (r=0.22, p=0.008) and for laptops marginal (r=0.145, p=0.058) while, as expected, both views were significantly correlated (r=0.3, p=0.004). Students opinions regarding the legitimacy of mobile devices usage during class was not found to be related to owning laptops. Another study from Health Libraries Group (2005) indicates that most mobile technology applications were occurring in the United States. At the time of the review the most prevalent mobile technologies were PDAs, laptops, WAP phones. A range of advantages and disadvantages to the technology were discovered. Mobile technologies were mainly being used for clinical rather than learning applications. The students showed a low level of awareness of the technology but placed great importance to accessing learning resources from the community. Many students embarking on a University course bring with them one or more mobile computing devices, including smart phones, PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and laptop or tablet computers. The software on these devices is designed primarily to support the world of office work. Typical applications include time management, communication and productivity tools. Whilst these are of some use to students, they are not designed specifically to support their activities, such as attending lectures, reading course content, revising for exams and meeting course deadlines. As these handheld computers and smart phones become more widely used there is an opportunity to harness them to benefit learning, as well as to provide appropriate institutional support for their use. In the shift from mass teaching to support of personal learning, it is also the responsibility of educators to ensure that students have the relevant skills and environments to succeed as self-directed learners. Focusing on PDAs, the study described below has investigated whether students would find a handheld computer useful for supporting their learning, and in particular whether a specially designed, integrated learning organizer would be more suitable for supporting learning than the existing set of mobile office tools, such as a digital calendar, contacts list and to-do list. A Mobile Learning Organizer has been developed at the University of Birmingham (Holme Sharples, 2002) and was evaluated as part of this study. A group of seventeen MSc students at the University of Birmingham were loaned wireless PDAs. The department in which the students were studying has wireless coverage throughout its five storey building. In addition to running standard Pocket PC applications, the PDAs provided a Mobile Learning Organizer which comprises an integrated suite of tools for Students to access course material, view their timetables, communicate via email and instant messaging and organize ideas and notes. The tools were based on the Pocket Outlook Personal Information Manager (PIM), with a custom-designed interface to present the information in a form that matches the structure of student learning. For example, the calendar was presented as a series of teaching slots corresponding to the standard University timetable. The mobile phones play as an important device in these days, since is the mobile phones is very important we choose to do a research about this topic among the Multimedia FOE students. A method section is one of the important sections in our research report it is typically describe all the action taken by the group to do this research. This section should involve all the information about our research to allow for the other researcher to replicate our study among this topic. The main purpose of the whole method section is to allow for the reader to understand what is the main point from the research and how we done with this research. Method section should describe the research participants, the materials that we used and the procedure taken by the group. Participants: Communication technology is the most important things in the world. It is playing an important role in the life of people nowadays. It can make the life easier by allow the people to communicate with anyone in the world. It allows you to communicate with your family, friends, and other. In other world it can keep you in touch with each other in the world. Mobile phone is the one of the greatest communication technology in the world. Mobile phone is an electronic device which is allows you to communicate with anyone in the world. Nowadays, mobile phone playing an important role in the life of people and people cannot live without it specially the teenager. The teenager used the mobile phone in the positive side and the negative side. However, the mobile phone is important for everyone specially the student. We have done a research on the importance of the mobile phone for the students. We have done this research to know how the mobile phone is importance for students nowadays speciall y the engineering students. Firstly, our research will be done on the faculty of engineering only in the Multimedia University. Secondly, our research will be done on 5% of the FOE student, that mean we randomly selected 200 students from the faculty of engineering from the all level no matter what is the gender of student and their nationality. Material: In this section of the report we are going to describe all the materials we were use it in our research. There will be two types of data collecting which are primary data, and secondary data. In the primary data we collect our points based on our knowledge so that can we start our research. In the secondary data we will collect the data from books and from internet websites. Moreover, we will come out with a questionnaire based on our search on books and internet. In the questionnaire we will used a general question for the mobile phones, question regard the education purpose can be used in the mobile phone and we use several questions such as yes/no question and strongly disagree to strongly agree. After we design the questionnaire paper we were try on our group member who is 8 members, then we will distributes among the FOE student. Procedure: This section is to show for the reader how the presses were. First of all, we do a meeting at the end of January 2010 to put done our idea about what is our topic for the research, after we choose a topic we started so search in the websites about any information or articles can help us in our research. At 5th February 2010 we wrote the proposal report which contains the mean information about out topic. After that, we come out with a questionnaire and distribute it among the students then we started analyze the data we got from the questionnaire. Finally, we wrote our report for the research. Results and discussion There are 96 % cannot live without mobile Im talking about myself I agree no one can live without Mobile, Because it is the means of communication between people and no one can live alone You must be in touch with friends and family. There are some people use phones in the class Takes Video camera in the lesson, even if he returned home and want to study can review Lesson Video, recorded by the existing mobile, and also can be related to the family at anytime in order to ask about their Health is possible that the student is in Problem cannot Solve it alone so It will contact a friend or family even help what would he do if it does not have the Mobile? And there are some students can not enter to the internet because they do not have a computer why do students in this problemÃËÃ
¸ I think they will use the phones in the entry to the internet some students love the music and not have Device mp3 or mp4 or.. so Put the music in Mobile And listen music at any time they like him And al so there at the university joint work between the students and some students How will meet your friends If you do not have the Mobile. There are 4 % Can live without a mobile are very few I think they do not have any friendship with any of the people or students And always in problem It is possible some of these Relaxes Because there is no Facing the problem of in their personal lives. There are 46.50 % agree that calls the best communication of mms and SMS and GPRS because it is faster and shorten the time and the cost is not expensive, but there is a problem if he wants to call friends or family International It is very expensive. And there are 38.50 % agree that SMS the best communication of calls and mms and GPRS because it is its very cheap and Does not differentiate between whether you are sending to the outside or inside. If you sent the message to anyone and he is busy he can read it. There are 9.50 % agree that mms the best communication of calls and SMS and GPRS because it is cant send pictures and video only in this way which is not expensive nor cheap is it normal. All these means of communication are available in the mobile phones. And there are 5.50 % agree that GPRS this Ratio is very low so this property is not available in all mobile. There are 60 % Always put Mobile on the silent in the class I think this is better because students need to Concentration To understand what the teacher say And especially mathematics and physics This material is very important or he has a test in the class . And also there are 16 % very often put Mobile on the silent in the class Possible that he might forget or this class is not very important. And also there are 16 % sometimes put Mobile on the silent in the class Possible he have meeting in the class. Also there is 8 % never put Mobile on the silent in the class Confirmation It did not give any attention to any of the class. There are 60 % Always put Mobile on the silent in the class I think this is better because students need to Concentration To understand what the teacher say And especially mathematics and physics This material is very important or he has a test in the class . And also there are 16 % very often put Mobile on the silent in the class Possible that he might forget or this class is not very important. And also there are 16 % sometimes put Mobile on the silent in the class Possible he have meeting in the class. Also there is 8% never put Mobile on the silent in the class Confirmation It did not give any attention to any of the class. There are 20 % very little Using the mobile phone to access the internet education matters Have Laptop there are 56 % little Using the mobile phone to access the internet education matters balance is not enough There are 74% normal Using the mobile phone to access the internet education matters I think poring There are 12 % above normal Using the mobile phone to access the internet education matters I think is very poring. There are 38% a lot using the mobile phone to access the internet education matters check website Attendance and grades material. There are 25 % very little using the mobile phone to access the internet social network networking net low at. . There are 12 % little using the mobile phone to access the internet social network Do not like a lot of friendship formation. There are 59 % normal using the mobile phone to access the internet social network sometimes busy. There are 61 % above normal using the mobile phone to access the internet social network Have relations hips with people. There are 43 % lot using the mobile phone to access the internet social network is not doing anything. . There are 41% very little using the mobile phone to access the internet banking do not know how to use the service. There are 62% little using the mobile phone to access the internet banking do not need this service. There are 23% normal using the mobile phone to access the internet banking Net on Mobile is weak. There are 32% above normal using the mobile phone to access the internet banking because they are footmen business. There are 32% a lot using the mobile phone to access the internet banking can transfer money from one account to account easily and Can charge card phones in a very short time. . There are 15 % very little using the mobile phone to access the internet gaming Do not like to play. There are 27% little using the mobile phone to access the internet gaming Completed the battery quickly. There are 60% normal using the mobile phone to access the internet gaming they have a lot of time. There are 26% above normal using the mobile phone to access the internet gaming Search is faster on some games. There are 72% a lot using the mobile phone to access the internet gaming Love the games at any time and have time for that much. There are 19% very little using the mobile phone to access the internet browsing Costing high enough. There are 36% little using the mobile phone to access the internet browsing Posted unavailable in all places. There are 36% normal using the mobile phone to access the internet browsing whether there nothing necessary. There are 18% above normal using the mobile phone to access the internet browsing have much free time. There are 91% a lot using th e mobile phone to access the internet browsing because the provision of time and you can browse the Internet at any times there is a network of net found. There are 49 percent agree that communicate for educational purposes daily less than 30 minutes could be in charge of a project and I want to take some information from someone. There are 32.50 percent agree that communicate for educational purposes daily 30 minutes to 1 hour If there is an issue not understand, and I want one to me. There are 18.50 percent agree that communicate for educational purposes daily more than 1 hour If there was a graduation project. There are 27percent very little use short massages as a communication method because it means tired. There are 19percent little use short massages as a communication method because it is an old means of communication. There are 27percent normal use short massages as a communication method I think their mother have a balance in the mobile. There are 11percent above normal use short massages as a communication method to learn the English language. There are 5percent very much use short massages as a communication method do not like to waste time to speak in non-beneficial. The pie chart above indicates the percentage for number of FOE student who use the mobile phones cameras for educational purposes. As the graph showing that more than half the FOE students uses their mobile phones camera for education purposes. On the other hand the percentage of the student that not using the mobile phones camera is almost half which make both percentages close. The percentage of the students that are using the camera for education is 51% because of the new high resolution cameras that comes now a day in most of mobile phones in which allows the students to photograph the whiteboard if they didnt have the time to take notes and copy them at the time that he want, however the rest also high percentage and its because some of the students may not have a camera in their mobile phones or it could be that the camera that they have is not that high to take clear photo for what they need to document. As the new technology in the mobile phone in which give the student the ability to use the internet in the mobile phones at any time we want. The pie chart above shows that most students dont access the internet throws their mobile phones, however the chart above indicates that the percentage of the internet users is not bad. The high percentage of the students who are not using the internet because the mobile phones that have the ability to connect to the world wide web and has a built-in Wi-Fi are more expansive than the ordinary mobile phones, and some students dont use it because of the small mobile screen so they prefer the PC or the laptops to access the internet. The mobile phones signal should be blocked in the class rooms to minimize the disturbs. The bar graph shows that most of the students disagree with this idea. Next the lowest percentage who are nether agree or disagree, after that there is a respective %age of the students whom agreeing with the idea. Most of the student disagrees because they may be needed by a friend is case of an emergence, and other agrees because of the disturb that the mobile phones causes in the class rooms when of the students mobile phone rings. The signal shouldnt be block all the time in the case of any emergence as most students thinks.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Comparing the Qurââ¬â¢an and the Torah :: Compare Contrast Comparison Essays
Comparing the Qurââ¬â¢an and the Torah Contained in the many intricate and poetic Surahs of the Qurââ¬â¢an are retellings of a number of famous stories of the Hebrew Bible, known to Jews as the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. However, the Qurââ¬â¢anââ¬â¢s account of the lives of certain biblical characters often differs in significant ways from the Jewish version. While a believer in the divine nature of the Qurââ¬â¢an may claim that differences in facts stem from distortions of G-dââ¬â¢s message as recorded in Jewish holy books, both Muslims and non-Muslims might agree that the differences in emphasis are intentional. A more cynical observer might claim that the Qurââ¬â¢an changed the known Bible stories to suit its purposes. By choosing to include certain parts of a famous story and leaving out others, the story itself takes on a very different significance. Occasionally, the Qurââ¬â¢an will also discuss parts of the story which are entirely left out of the Torah, in which case a Muslim may clai m the Torah did not deem those facts important for its own reasons. A cynical observer would claim the Qurââ¬â¢an made these additions to make its own message clearer. In the discussion that follows, I will often talk of what ââ¬Å"the Qurââ¬â¢an intends,â⬠or what ââ¬Å"the Torah means to sayâ⬠on a topic. It should be understood that I am not ascribing human attributes to inanimate books, but rather that I am intentionally avoiding the conflict inherent in naming the author of these books. Depending on oneââ¬â¢s tastes, one could understand the Qurââ¬â¢anââ¬â¢s intention to be either Muhammad or Allahââ¬â¢s intention. Likewise, ââ¬Å"the Torah means to sayâ⬠could really be understood as what either Moses or G-d means to say. Either way, the important point is that somebody thought through the stories and decided on which words were worthy of being included in the holy texts and which were not. One of the underlying assumptions of this paper is that the stories were written down the way we find them today for a reason, and this paper intends to shed light on some of those reasons. Although the points where the Torah and Qurââ¬â¢an disagree on basic facts may be controversial, these facts can often profoundly change the overall character of a story. Rather than making a value judgment as to which story is better or more likely, I will simply present these differences along with a discussion on how they impact the meaning and purpose behind the story.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
History of Special Education Law Essay
Education is beyond doubt an important aspect of life. Through education, an individual develops his talent and acquires knowledge that is necessary in understanding all aspects of life. Apart from that, education is the very stage at which one develops his discernment as to what is good and what is not. More importantly, values are strongly built up through education and through the educational institutions. Since education has a wide-reaching worth, it has significantly become a way of life. It is noteworthy that right to education has undergone a battle, especially in the aspect of special education. The disabled children were usually not afforded with their right to have adequate education. Eventually, the legislations such as Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) were enacted. The Venn diagram illustrates the similarities and the differences of the laws in many aspects. Although the laws are meant only to address similar problem on education of children with disabilities, many changes have been introduced in the amendment. Notably, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) was enacted in 1975 and was amended as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990 (Wilson, 1996). Similarly, both the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) were enacted to address the problem in education. Notably, before these laws were enacted, the educational system in the country was concentrated only on regular students and on regular educational system. Many students having disabilities were not given much attention in the educational institutions because of the lack if programs and facilities that will address the disabled studentsââ¬â¢ needs. After the development in the political and social aspect of the society in the 50ââ¬â¢s and 60ââ¬â¢s, educational acts addressing the needs of the disabled students were enacted. Both acts were primarily focused on providing education to special students. It was referred to as special, because the students have special disabilities that hinder them from grasping the knowledge or the lessons being taught to them. Through the laws, special students were provided with equal opportunity to education. However, before a student is afforded the education under the programs, the students are evaluated by a team. Remarkably, the disabilities involved must involve deafness, deaf-blindedness, difficulty of hearing, mental retardation, multiple handicap, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, serious emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities, speech impairment, and visual impairment (EricDigests. Org, 2009). Furthermore, under both Acts, the parents are afforded with right to contest the decision of the evaluating team or schools as to the condition of their child. Through dispute resolutions, the parents have administrative remedy of questioning the decision of the schools as to the requirement and the acceptance or non-acceptance of their children. The aim of providing dispute resolution at in the administrative level is to alleviate the costs of litigation that are usually brought in the judicial branch. However, both laws have differences in many areas. Through the amendment of the Handicapped Children Act by the IDEA, many amendments were introduced. As to legibility of the child, the EHA allows children from 3-5 years-old while IDEA allows children from 3-9 years-old. The education provided by IDEA extends to a child until reaching the age of 21. With regard to evaluation group that identifies whether a child passes the qualifications, the EHA involves only one teacher and specialist having knowledge about the disability (Ericdigest.à Org, 2009). However, under the IDEA, the evaluation process continues with the forming of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team that assesses the educational needs of the child (Knoblauch). The evaluation and assessment made by the IEP must be known by the parents of the child evaluated and the parents are also encouraged to participate in forming the program needed by their child. Apart from that, regular teachers are also required to participate in the IEP team (Knoblauch). Another area of differences is the range of the law. The inclusion of infants and toddlers is expressly provided in the IDEA but not in EHA. The IDEA provides for the intervention and pre-school services wherein schools participate in the transition planning conference for disabled toddlers entering pre-school (Knoblauch). The IDEA supports the idea that intervention is the payor of the last resort (Knoblauch). Under this idea, As to requirement of teachers, EHA does not explicitly provided for strict qualifications of teachers teaching children with disabilities. But, under the IDEA, a highly-qualified teacher is required. The criteria demands that a teacher has been fully trained and certified in special education or has passed the special education licensure exams and that the teacher must demonstrate knowledge in all subjects (Stewart and Stahlman, 1998). In addition, teachers and personnel under the IDEA are afforded with trainings needed in improving the system and in assuring that the students are afforded with quality education. It is also noteworthy that students are given more attention in IDEA than in EHA. During the existence of EHA, the students with disabilities were provided of limited educational resources. However, in IDEA, students are assessed every three months (Knoblauch). Remarkably, one of the unique features of IDEA is the evaluating the needs of the student in a Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (Knoblauch). Through the LRE, the child is isolated in an environment that is fully focused only in his needs. In a case of a deaf, for example, the child is isolated from meaningful social and communication interaction (Stewart and Stahlman, 1998). The amendments introduced by the IDEA have greatly changed the education system. The participation of parents has been an important factor in IDEA. In EHA, the responsibility of training and evaluating the child was bestowed mainly upon the teacher and the special education institutions. But under IDEA, the parents are informed of the results of the evaluation of their child and are involved in the formation of programs that will be given to their child. In addition, parents also participate in the placement evaluation of the child (Knoblauch). Hence, parents contribute an important role in the placement decision that affects the education of their child. In summing up, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is both aimed in addressing the needs of the childrenââ¬â¢s with disabilities as to their learning capacities. Through the specified disabilities, the children usually find difficulty in grasping the knowledge being taught to them. Apart from that, they were deprived of their right to adequate education because of the inadequacy of the educational program that will fully address their problem. However, through the enactment of the said acts, special students are now given equal and free education that is responsive to their special needs. The said acts however, have significant differences. The IDEA, amending the EHA, has introduced significant changes that are wider in scope and guarantees.
Friday, January 3, 2020
OSI Reference Model - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 366 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/26 Category Architecture Essay Type Analytical essay Tags: Computer Essay Did you like this example? JANN VINCENT PAUL C. LAGMAY BSIT-1A Open System Interconnection (OSI) The Open System Interconnection Reference Model or OSI Reference Model or OSI Model is essentially a conceptual description for layered communications and computer network protocol design. It was created as part of the Open Systems Interconnection or OSI initiative. In its most fundamental form, it separates network architecture into seven distinct layers: the Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data-Link, and Physical Layers. As a result it is frequently referred to as the OSI Seven Layer Model. A layer is a collection of theoretically similar functions that provide services to the layer directly above it and obtains service from the layer beneath it. On each single layer an instance provides services to the instances at the layer above and requests service from the layer beneath. An example of this relates to a layer that provides error-free communications across a network which the n provides the path needed by applications above it, while it calls the next lower layer to send and receive packets that comprise the contents of the path. SEVEN LAYERS OF OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION (OSI) Layer 7: Application Layer Defines interface to user processes for communication and data transfer in network Provides standardized services such as virtual terminal, file and job transfer and operation Layer 6: Presentation Layer Masks the differences of data formats between dissimilar systems Specifies architecture-independent data transfer format Encodes and decodes data; Encrypts and decrypts data; Compresses and decompresses data Layer 5: Session Layer Manages user sessions and dialogues Controls establishment and termination of logic links between users Reports upper layer errors Layer 4: Transport Layer Manages end-to-end message delivery in network Provides reliable and sequential packet delivery through error recovery and flow control mechanisms Provides connection less oriented packet delivery Layer 3: Network Layer Determines how data are transferred between network devices Routes packets according to unique network device addresses Provides flow and congestion control to prevent network resource depletion Layer 2: Data Link Layer Defines procedures for operating the communication links Frames packets Detects and corrects packets transmit errors Layer 1: Physical Layer Defines physical means of sending data over network devices Interfaces between network medium and devices Defines optical, electrical and mechanical characteristics Information Technology Fundamentals Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "OSI Reference Model" essay for you Create order
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